Chapter 761: The Agony Continues*


From the moment that Eric had approached the beautiful Princess, the Sparrow had sensed the danger and immediately had gone to bother him.


It was using its small beak to chirp around and also 'knock' on Eric's head and body, trying to do everything within its power and abilities to have Eric give up.


Unfortunately, all its tries and all its antics produced no results, and all it reached was to increase its own anger and rage.


Not only was her Princess and her love being taken in front of her, but she was also unable to do anything about, or even join it.


Before she had thought that Eric's last option would bring her to death, and she would just accept death, or at least have Eric accompany her to death.


But now she understood that she had looked down on Eric too much, and most importantly she had had no idea of the horror she was going to face.