Chapter 765: Fast Changing Situations

 Whether he liked it or not, the angle of his attack had been changed and now the target was no one else but the Hidden Phoenix.


The beauty in question was caught off-guard from all that happened, even more so from the fact that she had been turned into the target of the Proud Charming Dragon's loose attack.


Everything had happened so fast and so weirdly that she didn't have the time to react and defend herself, so it was one of the guardians that jumped to protect her.


The Guardian made sure to match the strength of the incoming attack, but he had failed to take in consideration the attack of the second scarecrow.


The attack of the second scarecrow wasn't anything significant as he wasn't even a Realm 6 evolved clone, still his attack was more than enough to double the freefalling speed.


That certainly increased the power of his attack towards the Hidden Phoenix who was under the protection of her guardian.