Photo Finished

"Did Coach really just tell us we have the weekend off?" Yu Hao questioned as he closed his locker

"I'm not sure if that was coach or an alien dressed up to look like coach." Cheng En said as he pulled his shirt over his head. "In any event, she gave us a day off. We need to do what other youth do with their free time. Does anyone know what that might be?"

"I know what you mean Captain. I forgot what my girlfriend look like. Do I even still have a girl friend?"  Shi Sheng Zhe a middle blocker on the team complained.

"Girlfriend, what are those? Who has time to date? I haven't had time off to find a girlfriend let alone take her somewhere. " Fei Yi Jie the opposite hitter on the team whined.

"Senior what do you do on your day off. You don't have a girlfriend.  I haven't seen you date anyone since I join the team."

Zi Xuan was sitting at the desk in the locker room writing his notes from today's practice.  He didn't like having Yu Hao be the outside hitter he thought that that job should go to When Wu.  He has height.

"Senior, any ideas about what to do?"

Zi Xuan hasn't been listening to the conversation that was currently going on around him.

"Senior." Shi Sheng Zhe tapped him on the shoulder.


"What are your plans for your day off? Are you going to take this time to find a girlfriend too?"

Distracted Zi Xuan waved them off and answered absentmindedly.  "Why would I need to find a girlfriend? I already have Yu Hao."



The utter silence that occupied the room brought Zi Xuan back to the present.   He swung his chair around to find everyone staring at him. Some with shocked expressions on their faces and others with confused expressions.  The display of emotions that flew across everyone face would have been comical in other circumstance but for Zi Xuan he was just confused. He didn't even realize what was said to make a room go from laughter and excitement to stun silence.

Fei Yu Jie was the first person to find his voice. "What do you mean you don't need a girlfriend, you have Yu Hao?"

Zi Xuan went over everything he said since entering the locker room.  He didn't remember saying anything about Yu Hao today. Then it hit him hard and accurately.

Cheng En could tell when understanding and panic shone in Zi Xuan eyes. He glanced at Yu Hao who  seem to be in the same state of shock.

Realize that the boyfriend wasn't any help he shook his head and tried to rescue his best friend from this situation.  Cheng En tried to think of something to distract the others, "He was talking about Yu Hao training and tutoring schedule.   He is literally at his home almost every day. (technically that wasn't a lie)  With that and being the manager to you guys and also senior stuff who has time to date."

"Oh right I understand. I don't know what I was thinking."ping glances at his phone. "See you guys." Shi Sheng Zhe grabbed his bag and took out his phone and started texting his girlfriend.

"Yu Hao study better man. You are ruining senior chance at a life." Fei Yi Jie punched Yu Hao in the arm making him filch. "Senior needs a girlfriend he is getting to uptight. " He grabbed his bag "See you guys Monday."

Yu Hao , Cheng En, Zhen Wen , Zhen Wu and Zi Xuan were the only ones left in the room.  They all physically relaxed at the same time.

Yu Hao rubbed his arm where he was hit feeling affronted. "I study well."

"Yeah because you have a great tutor. Before your combined score was what."

"Let's not bring up the past Wen."

Zi Xuan released a sigh of relief and sent Cheng En a grateful look.

"Thanks for that. My mouth just started talking and I wasn't paying attention."

"I had to help. You were my boyfriend first remember. I still feel obligated to take care of you."

"What." Yu Hao walked over to Cheng En. "What Boyfriend you were just pretending for your Fujoshi girlfriend Xiao Xiao."

"OK play boyfriend. But I still saved him just now and I became the hero unlike his real boyfriend."

"I was stunned ok."

Zi Xuan turned away from them and focused back on his work again. That was a close one.  It's not that he was ashamed of his relationship with Yu Hao he wasn't. He just felt right now he just wanted the people the matter the most to him to be the only ones that know.

What they have is too special for him to broadcast to the world.  It was his first real relationship with someone. Until Yu Hao came into his life volleyball was his mistress and academic was his wife.  Now it's just Yu Hao and everything else is second.


They were all gather in Yu Hao's living room.  His mother worked nights and as long as he informed her of who was there and they didn't leave the house a mess she was fine with anything.  Wasn't his mother the coolest?

Since coupling up with Zi Xuan, by default he also got Xiao Xiao and Cheng En in the bargain since they were always together before he came into the picture anyway.    By default Zi Xuan is stuck with Zhen Wen and Zhen Wu as well because they are his best friends. All of the couples (actually two couples and one undecided couple) were around each other so much they decided that they needed a place to hang out. By unanimous vote Yu Hao house was voted the hang out house. Mostly for the awesome food Yu Hao was always making for them.  They were all around his dining room table discuss activates for tomorrow's free day.

"I have an idea let's go to the movie. They are playing She Walks Again 3 at the cinema."   Yu Hao suggested as a fun activity setting the last of the four dishes of food he made on the table.

"Of course you would pick a horror movie. Do you watch any other kind of movie? Do you care about the rest of us that might not like horror?" Zhen Wen complained waving a shrimp at him.

"Zi Xuan likes a good horror movie Don't you Zi Xuan?" Zi Xuan looked at Yu Hao as he deployed the eyes that could make him do anything eyes.  How could he say no to those eyes? As often as Yu Hao talks about Zi Xuan voice being his weaken well Yu Hao eyes were his. They were like a puppy dog eyes whining for food.

"Yes we can go see a horror film." He grabbed another chicken wing off the plate. "This should be lunch next week Hao. I love it."  Yu Hao love when people appreciated his cooking. He really loved when his cooking made Zi Xuan happy.

"Whipped" Cheng En coughed

"I'm sorry what did you say Cheng En."Zi Xuan asked

"Oh nothing.  I didn't say anything. I was just coughing like this.  Whipped." Cheng En coughed again

"Oh so you are sick. Let me help you." Zi Xuan got up from his seat and gave Cheng En five hard pats on the back.  "Better." Cheng En couldn't say anything because of the pain so he just glared at him.

Yu Hao was writing in a note called recipes that turtle likes. "I will put the chicken on the list of things you like.  So you are cool seeing this movie with me right."

"Of course. We should all go to the 12 noon viewing. That way we have the rest of the day to enjoy." He really  didn't' want to watch the movie at night he choose a time when it will still be light outside so that when the movie scares the pants off of him as he know it would since he hates horror films, he will find comfort that it won't be dark for a few more hours once they are out of the cinema.

"12 is perfect.  Thank you Xuan." He sent a brilliant smile to him. "See I told you he would say yes." He turned and lifted his eyebrows to Zhen Wen.

Zhen Wen wobbled his head. "Whatever."

"Now a movie only last 2 hours we have the rest of the day.  What else should we do?"

"Bowling?" Xiao Xiao put in

"No Xiao Xiao absolutely not.  Every time we go to the arcade you get so competitive.  You turn into another person. Every game you have to beat, every prize you have to win and bowling last time you almost hit me with the ball when someone else was tied with you." Cheng En found his voice

"Please Cheng En. Please Please." She latched onto his arm swinging it to and fro. Then she did what no one else has ever saw before other than Cheng En and to some extent Zi Xuan.  She became cute. "If you take us I promise not to hit you this time. " Xiao Xiao said with a cute pout on her face.

Yu Hao could not believe that this was the same person that made him do and extra 25 sit up today for forgetting to call her senior in school  He looked at Zhen Wen and Zhen Wu and they both had the same shocked look on their faces. Was that really Xiao Xiao acting all girly? Sometimes he forgot she was a girl.  If any of them still swung that way they would be hard press to not fall for her charms as well.

Zi Xuan already knew this side of Xiao Xiao knowing how much his best friend loved her. He just sat back and enjoyed the show.  Watching the whipper become the whipped.

She laid her head on his arm and said in a small voice. "I just really enjoy winning so much.  I don't have any fun unless you are there with me. We could also kill about 4 hours there."

Zi Xuan held up his hand and started bring one finger down at a time until he got to zero and pointed to Cheng En.

"Fine, fine, whatever.  We can go. We can go. Gee.  Will I ever win anything with you?"

Xiao Xiao sat back in her seat. Smooth down her clothes and hair and grabbed a prawn. "No" She said confidently going back to the Xiao Xiao they  know and love.

"Whipped like potatoes."

"Shut up Xuan."

"So it's now movie, arcade with bowling and ."

Zhen Wu who had been quietly eating the whole time said, "Split up and go with our other halves for some one on one alone time."

"Zhen Wu you don't say much but when you do talk you speak with purpose. Good idea. I'm all for it. The boat ride you wanted to go on Xiao. We can do it tomorrow."

"OK now that changes my outfit."

"I all for it too. But Wen more and more you can tell you two aren't' related."

"Shut it. Before I tell Senior you had a few…."Yu Hao shot out of his seat so fast and had his hand over Zhen Wen mouth before anyone saw it coming.   Yu Hao had no idea what Zhen Wen was going to say.

It could be anything.  Had a few wet dreams about him that required a long bathroom break.   Had a few pictures of him in only a towel save on his phone? Those also require long bathroom breaks.  Had a few BL manga in his possession. Any of those things and more Zhen Wen knew about because he told him and he didn't want Zi Xuan to know about.

"I'm sorry Wen.  You know I just say random stuff. Don't listen to me. Are you comfortable? Is it warm enough in here? Do you need a refill on your drink?"

Zhen Wen pointed to his mouth. "I'm going to take my hand away. Nothing about anything should come out of it." Yu Hao took his hand away and sat down.

Cheng En , Xiao Xiao and Zi Xuan got up and was standing behind his chair. "So are you going to tell us what it is that he didn't want to say because I'm curious not.  Aren't you Xuan?"

"Yes very curious. What wonderful things does Yu Hao have in his possession that he doesn't want me to know about?"

"You aren't going deny your seniors are you?" They all moved in closer.

Zhen Wen looked nervously over at Yu Hao.  Yu Hao eyes imploring him not to break.

"Should we start making him exercise with the rest of the team?"

"Yes Xiao that is a great idea.  300 laps around the track. 200 push up. No Zhen Wu put your hand down you can't help him."

"Wait, wait. I will tell you.  I'm sorry Yu Hao. He has a few naked pictures of senior in his phone."

Yu Hao put his head down on the table. Just kill him now.  The senior migrated over to Yu Hao.

"Give me your phone Yu Hao."

"Forget that I want to know how he got the photo in the first place.  What have you kids been up to? Something naughty I see. We are kids Xuan let's keep everything PG."

"This is great." Xiao Xiao got out her phone to start recording.

"Yu hao." Zi Xuan said his name again.

"It's not that big of a deal. See." He lifted up his phone to show a picture of Zi Xuan in a towel. "I took a picture of him when he came out of the shower.  "OK and I look at it from time to time to give me luck on my test."

"Oh well thats not too bad. It's fine.  I thought it was something worst."

"It's not fine to me.  That is still more than PG13. Almost R rated. If his towel would have come off this would have been something else.

A light bulb went off in Zi Xuan head.  He knew where that particular picture came from.  He just came out of the shower haven't taken his last to have some privacy.  He thought that he was alone when he tried to readjust his towel and the towel slipped out of his hand and fell to the floor.  Before he could bend over to get it he heard a click of a phone. He glanced up and he saw Yu Hao across from him covering his eyes trying to pick his dropped phone off the floor.

"I dropped my phone." Yu Hao was saying unnecessarily.

"I can see that.  Did I just hear a click?  Did you take a photo of me?"

"It might have taken a photo when it fell to the ground. I'm sure it is just a picture of the floor."

The floor his ass. That little perverted liar. Yu Hao stood in front of him and took a naked picture of him and then lied about it.  Wait until they were alone.

"Calm down officer.  He doesn't have any more pictures.  You can release the prisoner." Zi Xuan pulled Cheng En away from Yu Hao.

"You get off with a warning this time punk.  But the next time you do something R rated I will be on you tail." Bad Cop Cheng En threaten

"Yes officer senior sir.  I will try to live a clean life from now on. So please inform my boyfriend to not look so hot without his shirt on. "

Gagging was hear all around from the guys. Xiao Xiao was eating it up.

"That's our cue to leave before he starts talking about other parts of senior anatomy.  We will meet in front of the Cineplex tomorrow before 12. For operation free day. Come on Zhen Wu." Zhen Wu and Zhen Wen grab their stuff and leave.

"I'm with the twins.  That was more than I needed to know. I see my girlfriend is eating it up but I have to drag her away now.  Come on Xiao let leave the lovebirds alone."

"But this is good stuff Cheng.  Lets stay a little longer."

He grabbed his girl by the arm and yanked her out of the apartment. "See you guys tomorrow."

Yu Hao commenced cleaning up the food and washing the dishes.  Zi Xuan quietly helped as well. They had all of the leftover food put away and all of the dishes wash.

"What" Yu Hao turned from the sink and glared at Zi Xuan.

Zi Xuan was at the cabinet putting the last plate up. He turned to Yu Hao and just lifted his eyebrow.

"Why aren't you talking? You haven't said anything since the photo issue."

"What do you want me to say?"

"Anything just talk as you normally would. Your silence is unnerving."

Zi Xuan took off his glass and sat them down. Then he walked over to Yu Hao and boxed him in with the courter.

"What would you have me say Hao? Should we talk about the other picture you have on that phone."

"Other picture." Yu Hao stammered. "What other picture?"

"Don't play cute with me I remember a clicking sound in the bathroom and I trusted you when you said you didn't take a picture."

Sneaky bastard used the word trust.  Yu Hao thought. ZI Xuan doesn't play fair now he was starting to feel guilty.       

"I didn't lie exactly about the picture. It really did take a picture of the floor.   It's just that on the way down the phone also take a photo of you."

Zi Xuan moved in close and took small nips out of the bottom of Yu Hao lips "So my next question should be.  What do you do with the photo Hao?" Then he slide his tongue and licked the places that he had just taken bites.

Yu Hao eyes closed and take deep shallow breaths.  This man is poison. What were they just talking about again? What did Zi Xuan just asked him? This wasn't' fair he refuse to let him get the upper hand. He fought for control.

Yu Hao turned it back on Zi Xuan by running his hands over the front of his shirt in a caressing manner.  He switched their position surprise Zi Xuan by pin him to the courter instead. Yu Hao preferred to be in change.

"What do you think I did with it Xuan? What did your dirty imagination come up with? " Yu Hao has learned of a particular spot behind senior ear that has brought both of them joy. He kissed that spot now. Feeling the shudder that Zi Xuan tried to stop him from feeling.

"Do you think I open it up while I was in the bed alone thinking about you? Naked, imaging running my hands all over you." Yu Hao kissed and sucked Zi Xuan necked leaving  behind what will become a very visible hickey.

"I would slid my right hand down my body  going lower and lower. While my left hand pinch and turned my nipple. I would close my hand pumping and rubbing faster and harder until I shout your name from my lips.

"Is that what you think I did Xuan?" Yu Hao grabbed and squeeze Zi Xuan throw his pants.

Zi Xuan was hard at this point.  He was panting and so close. How does this youth do this to him and make him feel this way every time. It was so not fair how he had the upper hand at the beginning and somehow Yu Hao made it seem as if he was on trial.  Zi Xuan thrusted his hips into Yu Hao waiting hands.

"You dirty boy you. You enjoy the thought of me getting off on your photo." Yu Hao captured his lips in a searing kiss he felt down to his toes.  That was all it took and Zi Xuan gave one finally thrust before his legs gave out on him. Fortunately Yu Hao was there to steady him.   

Seeing the conservative Zi Xuan lose himself in the moment and let himself go was always such a turn on for Yu Hao that he wasn't far behind him.  He closed his eyes and leaned his forehead on Zi Xuan trying to catch his breath.

"I will delete the photo if you want me to." Yu Hao said after sometime.

"You don't have to delete it.   I didn't care that you had the photo. I was just upset that you lie to me.  I was also upset that Zhen Wen and Zhen Wu saw it."

Yu Hao shook his head.  "I didn't really lie at first.  The phone did snap a picture of you on it's own.  If you look at it it's not even in focus because it was moving as it was taking it.  I was too busy trying to cover my eyes and thats it fell from my hand. As for Zhen Wen he never saw the naked photo.  Why would i share you? He only saw the towel one by mistake because he borrowed my phone. The special photo is in a password incase folder that no one can get into.  As for Zhen Wu he just always there so of course his brother showed him the towel picture too. So are we good?"

"Yeah we good.  I feel so sticky now.  I'm going to use your shower before I go home." Zi Xuan headed towards the bathroom.

"OK.  I will go get you a towel and a washcloth." He got a towel and an extra washcloth out of the closet and knocked on the bathroom door.

Zi Xuan cracked it open and held out his hand. "So if we are good.  Can I get a real photo this time in focus." Yu Hao asked hopefully.

Zi Xuan threw his clothes out at him and shut the door.

"I'm going to take that as a maybe"