Vacation Frustration pt 1

Five coach buses lined the streets outside the school waiting to be boarded. Dozens of teens stood in groups around the sidewalk with bags patiently waiting for direction on when to start boarding.

Cheng En just arrived with Xiao Xiao. As they walked some of the volleyball team members waved them over to the third parked bus.

"Senior Xiao Xiao aren't you working senior Cheng En hard on his day off." talking about Cheng En carrying both his own bag and hers on his arm.

"I don't know what you mean he insisted on taking care of me this entire weekend." Xiao Xiao said with a flip of her hair.

"More like threaten." Cheng En whispered under his breath.

"What was that Cheng?" Xiao Xiao turned around and faced Cheng En with a too sweet look. He wasnt fooled.

"i said Every day I love you more ... Oh look there is Yu Hao." Cheng En noticed a hooded zombie like figure walking aimlessly around that resemble Yu Hao.

The group waved and shouted Yu Hao name in order to get his attention and get him to come over to them. Yu Hao eventually noticed them and slowly walked over to their location.

Eyes partly closed with a lack of energy in every step. It was five in the morning. Yu Hao wanted to know whose bright idea was it to leave for a trip this early in the morning?

Do you even knows what it means to leave by five. That means Yu Hao had to get up at 4 am.

4 am is considered night time because its still dark outside and not wake up time. Actually Yu Hao couldn't get up that early on his own even if he tried. He had to enlist his boyfriend's help.

He had Zi Xuan call him at 4 with an early morning wake up call. When the calls didn't work(Yu Hao had 4 missed calls from Zi Xuan) Zi Xuan who was given a spare key by Yu Hao mother came over and physically had to drag him out of the bed and out of the house. It wasn't a pretty sight it involved a lot of kicking and whining. Zi Xuan was a saint.

Practically the whole school was going on this trip. The exclusive trip the director promised the volleyball team after the season ended turned into a trip for the basketball team, track team, swim team, honor roll, debate team, cheer team etc... Combining everyone separate trips into one massive trip saves the school extra money.

At this point everyone in the school is basically going on the weekend excursion. Not to a spa like they were first promised. With the large amount of teens going it was cheaper and easier for chaperone to watch everyone at a resort. Not like a resort condo was bad. They had the use of the grills, a swimming pool, a gym and mountain to hike on. It was going to be epic.

"Didn't you come with Xuan, where is he?" Cheng En said looking behind Yu Hao and not finding his tall friend.

"Am I Zi Xuan keeper. He is a grown man. I don't put a leash on him and lead him around." Yu Hao grumbled.

"Someone is grumpy before they had their morning coffee." Zi Xuan said walking over to them. Grinning as he handed Yu Hao a to go cup of coffee he just got from the 711 around the corner.

"I'm not grumpy in the morning. You are just too damn chipper. Who can be this wide awake before the sun even comes up?" Yu Hao said as he took a long swallowed of the delicious brew.

Zi Xuan's brows went up. "So this is how you normally are should I be worried about our future."

"Shut up. I can't out think you this early in the morning."

Zi Xuan smiled indulgently at his boyfriend then immediately switched to manager mode. Taking out a clip board and checking off the things on the checklist.

"I'm taking roll call. Coach wanted a head count before we leave. I will be a chaperone on this trip as well."

"Oh you mean you will be ruining our fun." Cheng En put his arm around Zi Xuan neck bringing him close. "Come on Xuan. Let's go crazy this trip. This is our last trip with the team this school year. We're graduating. This is it. Let's makes lots of memory. You will not be uptight manage Xuan this trip you are fun loving senior Xuan. "

"We will have fun. The director laid out a day to day plan for the school." boo boo Cheng En started a round of Boo's. Very mature Cheng En. Other departments and teams were looking at the loud and undisciplined volleyball team.

Zi Xuan completely embarrassed said, "Fine we will chuck the plan and do what we want in moderation."

"See what an awesome manager you are."Giving Zi Xuan a bear hug.

"Whatever." Zi Xuan rolling his eyes.

"Guys we should take a group photo. " Xiao Xiao said excitably taking out her phone.

"With all of us half sleepy that picture would be a mess?" Yu Hao shot down the idea in one sentence.

"You're really a spoilsport Yu Hao." Xiao Xiao pouted putting away her phone.

Cheng En hugged her and tried to encourage his girlfriend. "Xiao let's just take one when we get to the resort."

"Fine." She relented.

"Already everyone store your luggage under the bus and find a seat." Coach came over and instructed the group.

Yu Hao grabbed his and Zi Xuan luggage and stored it on the bus. While Zi Xuan did a head court of who was here and who was missing.

Yu Hao found a seat on the bus across the aisle from Cheng En and Xiao Xiao. Zheng Wen and Zhen Wu was a row behind him. He looked over the chair and said. "You two have been really quiet this morning. Tired."

"I never understood your hatred with waking early until now. I don't want to say another word to anyone until we get there. Good night." Zhen Wen closed his eyes and leaned his head on Zhen Wu shoulder.

"We were up until 2 getting a lecture from our parents on what we should and shouldn't do on this trip. Complete with diagrams." Zhen Wu said also closing his eyes.

Yu Hao chuckled and sat back down. Ten minutes later Zi Xuan come on board and sat next to him.

"That's everyone from my squad. I give the information to coach and she will give it to the organizer." Taking off his glasses and storing them in his pocket.

"Good so the rest of your time is mine. I'm using your arm for a pillow now." Yu Hao leaned his head on Zi Xuan arm and closes his eyes.

"Yu Hao are you going to spend our entire first trip together sleeping."

"No I have every intention on seducing you when we reach our destination and when I'm more rested." Yu hao said without even opening his eyes.

Of course he would say something outrageous like that all nonchalant without even opening his eyes. "We are not doing anything on this trip Hao. We will be surrounded by people all the time. There won't be a moment of pivacy."

Yu Hao immediately sat up and turned to face Zi Xuan, " What do you mean we are not doing anything on this trip. As you pointed out this is our first trip together as a couple. We have to spend time together.

Zi Xuan explained "We will spend time together. There are a lot of fun activity we can do that doesn't involve skin ship.

Zi Xuan eyed him warily. Yu Hao had a menacing smile on his face.

"Well that sounds like a challenge my little turtle."

"That sound like a challenge to me." Xiao Xiao hit Cheng En arm after that comment. "Ahh. What didn't it sound like a challenge to you to? I have every intention of getting you alone this trip and I'm dealing with your older sister as a chaperone. The odds are stacked more against me."

"That wasn't' a challenge Yu Hao. Cheng En stop encouraging him or do you want me to tell coach what your plans are for her sister. Look she is getting on the bus now. Hey Coach." Zi Xuan waving his arm to get the coaches attention.

Cheng En hit Zi Xuan arm."Ok gee. You use to be able to take a joke. Zi Xuan. You became such an old man in your old age. I give up."

"What is it Zi Xuan?" The coach asked as she approached.

"Nothing major. I wanted to let you know all teammates are accounted for and all luggage is secured. Here is the attend sheet." Handing her the clipboard.

"Good well I will be upfront talking to the director." She took the clipboard and went up front to the first two rows.

"The director is on our bus too with coach. This bus is no longer fun. Let's get off the bus and go to another bus." Cheng En started to raise. " Too late the door are closing. NOOOOO."

Zi Xuan smacked him in the leg "Cheng En sit down before you attract their attention."

Cheng En sits down and pouts with his arms folded. Xiao Xiao whispered something in his ear and the frown disappears replaced with a smile. He puts his arms around her and close his eyes and they both go to sleep.

Yu Hao was quiet the whole time Zi Xuan was talking to Cheng En . Yu Hao wasn't finished the previous conversation. There is no way in hell he was going to be able to keep his hands off of Zi Xuan this entire trip.

Zi Xuan refused to do anything intimate together during the weeks leading up to the championship because he says that physical intimacy ruins concentration. So it's been three weeks of nothing other than hold hands between them. That's it. He wouldn't even let them kiss for three whole weeks. Even Cheng En and Xiao Xiao kissed before a game but not superstition Zi Xuan. Now he wants to deny them again. Yu Hao knows his own body and knows that he won't' be able to do it. This trip will be a battle between Zi Xuan strict will power and his lack of will power. Let's see who will come out to be the victor.

Yu Hao little friend stirred in his pants thinking about the fun they could have together on this trip. Just being close to Zi Xuan for the first time in weeks was having an effect on him. Their legs and arms were next to each other touching. If even this slight touch was having this kind of an effect on him he had no hope for the rest of the weekend. He shifted in his seat trying to move a little away from Zi Xuan and closer to the window so that his body could try to calm down. He tried to envision Cheng En in a dress in the hope of helping his body to behave. It didn't work.

Yu Hao felt it was unfair he was uncomfortable and Zi Xuan wasn't. He began to slowly run his fingertips down Zi Xuan arm, hiding a smile at the soft moan that came from him. He may try to act unfazed by his nearness this weekend but Yu Hao knew Zi Xuan body better than he did.

"You are right my little turtle there is no way we would be able to do anything this weekend. I am glad all of the naughty things I have planned won't come to fruition." Yu Hao voice was low and seductive and it sent shivers through Zi Xuan body.

"What kind of things?" He know he shouldn't have ask but he really wanted to know.

Yu Hao turned and flashed him a slow smile that sent excitement and heat rushing throughout Zi Xuan body. "We will save it for another time. Now give me your arm I'm going back to sleep."

Yu Hao put his earbud in his ear grabbed Zi Xuan arm leaned his head down and closed his eyes with a smile on his face. And just like that he was sleep again.

Yu Hao may not know this but Zi Xuan was feeling frustrated as will with their lack of intimacy. He knows that it's his fault that he enforce the rule so strongly. But because of this they won the championship. With only the game to focus on they both was able to concentrate with all of their skills so some pain was necessary to gain their goal.

And yes this is their first trip together as a couple but they are surrounded by so many people and they aren't going to have a single room to themselves so yes time together wasn't going to happen. They will have many trips just the two of them in the future. For this trip they will just have to keep away from each other as much as possible. Which won't be easy with Yu Hao of a mind to seduce him.

Looking at Yu Hao now sleeping on his arms all innocent. He looked adorable and Zi Xuan refuse to let his seduction win this time. If Yu Hao knew half of what Zi Xuan was feeling he would push thru his defenses and give him something that they both wanted. No it up to him to be the level headed mature one for both of them.

Zi Xuan wanted to commemorate their first trip together with tons of photos. He felt he should start now. He took out his phone slided Yu Hao off his arm aimed and took a picture of Yu Hao sleeping. Admiring his handy work he decided to join Yu Hao in sleep.


At 8:00 the buses stop at a rest stop to let everyone off that wanted to stretch their legs. Zi Xuan woke up after hearing the announcement about a pit stop. He try to rouse Yu Hao to get him to go out.

"Yu Hao get up. We stopped." Zi Xuan said trying to wake him.

Yu Hao turned towards the window and ignored him.

Trying again to wake him. "Yu Hao your legs will cramp if you dont stretch them."

"leave me alone Xuan."He swatted Zi Xuan hand away.

"you are going to regret not going." shaking his head he started to depart the bus. He notice Cheng En was still sitting.

"Cheng En your not getting off the bus. "

Cheng En shrug. "i dont need to. Xiao xiao knows what i want. She will pick up something for me. I'm just going to relax and reserve my energy for the trip."

"you and Yu Hao just hibernate then." Zi Xuan said shaking his head and exiting the bus.

The Zhen brothers were already outside stretching.

"couldn't get him up and out huh senior." zhen wen asked

"no he decided to stay." looking towards the bus with a frown.

Zhen Wen held his hand out and Zhen Wu placed some money in it.

"Did you guys bet to see if i could get him off the bus." Zi Xuan was thinking this is going to be a long weekend if bet were already being placed on them.

"i had to redeem myself. I bet this morning that you wouldn't make it to the bus on time because of Yu Hao. I lost that bet so we did double or nothing on the first rest stop so now i won."

"i had faith in you senior. I guess i underestimated Yu Hao determination to sleep."shrugging his shoulders Zhen Wu went into the circle K store.

Fifteen minutes later snack bags full of junk the teachers did a head count and they were on the way again.

Hunger brought Yu Hao out of his hibernation. He forgot where he was for a moment an tried to originate himself to his surrounding by looking around. To his left Zi Xuan was reading a book. Can he be any more adorable. Zhen Wen and Zhen Wu were behind them playing a game on their phones. Zhen wen was winning by the sound of it. Cheng En and Xiao Xiao were across from them being more touchy feely than usual.

"Xuan how soon before we get there." tapping Zi Xuan on the arm to get his attention.

Xuan put his book down "oh Yu Hao you're finally awake. I thought i had to be on this trip all by myself. My seat companion was the only one sleep."

"ah ha ha you are funny now tell me when we will get there."

Zi Xuan rolled his eyes " if you read the paperwork i give you about the trip. You would know that we will arrive there at 10 which is in 45 minutes."

"45 minutes that's to long. When will we stop at a rest stop. Im straving." Yu Hao whined.

"we stop twice already. I could not get you up both times. The second time i asked for help. I recruited Zhen Wen than he give up. Then i recruited Cheng En and not one of us come rouse you." Zi Xuan said with irritation.

" so i'm supposed to starve for the rest of the ride. I knew i should have packed a breakfast but i thought it would taste bad by the time we eat it. I cant even stretch my legs."

"Yu Hao its your fault you couldn't wake. Be mad at yourself. i see bad times in our future. You hibernate for hours and you are angry when you don't eat. I'm going to have to rethink our situation. Your massages are not a good enough reason for us to stay together." Zi Xuan stated

"you are so full of yourself. I have one or two faults otherwise i'm a steal. You would be crazy to breakup with me. Remember i have the magically hands." wiggling his hands in front of Zi Xuan face.

Zi Xuan pushed them to the side and retrieved a bag from the floor. "so should i give the bag of snack away."

Yu Hao reached over and grabbed them. "this is why i love you. You make up for what i lack."

"I'm not seeing what i get out of this." Zi Xuan picked his book back up and resume reading while Yu Hao ate the snacks.

The buses arrive at the location 30 minutes later.

Everyone tirely got off the buses strenching and getting the kinks out of theirs legs from sittimg for so long.

Xiao Xiao stopped all of the volleyball players. " all right everyone im taking a group photo. I dont want to hear it. You said wait unyil we arrived and we did. Now shut it amd stand toegther."

The guys got together to pose.

"every one smile and say milk tea."

"Milk Tea" she snapped the photo.

"One more.ok there see its perfect."

Everyone came around to look at it.

"Send that to everyone senior. I'm going to use it for my wallpaper." Zhen Wen said liking how him and Zhen Wu looked in the photo.

Luggage was than collected and the groups were lined up. Coach came over and separated everyone into a room.

"ok there will be 5 people to a bugolow. Yu Hao, Zhen Wu, Zhen Wen, Sheng Zhe, and Yi Jie will be in bungolow 13 here is your key cards." the coach handed them a key card and send them to their room.

Yu Hao looked at the key card and looked over at Zi Xuan but he was in a conversation with the coach. He reluctantly grabbed his bag and went to his room.

The room had a bunked bed in one corner and a queen bed in the other with a desk, tv and sofa to round it off.

"We call bunked beds." Shi Sheng Zhe said as he draged Fei Yi Jie to that corner.

"then the rest of us will sleep on the queen." Zhen Wu said as they started to unpack their clothes.

"you seem quiet Yu Hao what's going on mad you didn't get the bunked bed." Zhen Wen joked.

"i don't understand why i couldnt be in the same room with Xuan." Yu Hao said sitting on the bed.

"Hao it was the coaches chose to separate the seniors from juniors. Just except it. It is what it is. It's not like you could have done anything with him anyway with all of these people in the room. Stop being so horny." Zhen Wen complained.

" first off it's not about me being horny as you put it. I know we couldn't do anything too intimate but we could cuddle at least. Even if we couldn't i at least wanted to just be together. Xuan goes graduates in a few months then it's off to a university. Which he already applied for because it Zi Xuan. Do you know that university is a six hour drive away. i won't be able to see him as offer as before. I just wanted to be close to him we don't have a lot of time to make memories." Yu Hao defended frowning.

"Man im sorry i misjudged you. That was deep." Zhen Wen patted him on the back to offer sympathies.

"if i also can get to feel him up while we cuddle. And get to three base. That's just bonus." Yu Hao said with a smile.

"i was almost falling for you innocent act." Zhen Wen punched his arm.

"aww that hurts."Yu Hao grabbed his arm laughed and finished unpacking.

In the other room Cheng En and Zi Xuan begin to unpacked their suitcases. They decided on the queen bed while the other seniors got the bunked bed and sofa bed.

"So are you going to tell me why we are sharing a room with Han Chen, Bai Yu, and Leng Mian. Not that i don't like them but did the seniors really have to share a room together." Cheng En questioned.

"No i asked coach to change it." Zi Xuan said nonchalant.

"What why?"cheng En asked incredibly.

"i saw the room assignments a week ago and we were in a room with Yu Hao. I needed to remove temptation from him."Zi Xuan offered a reasonable explanation.

"temptation from him or from you." Cheng En said chucklely.

Zi Xuan picked up a pillow and throw it at him.

"Ok ok. But remember when i praise Yu Hao for his cunning. That is nothing compared to yours. You are the king sir.. I'm sorry i doubted you. I bow down to you. What happen if he finds out." Cheng En throw the pillow back to Zi Xuan.

"He won't because the only people that know are you and me." Zi Xuan said giving him a meaningful look.

Hand held up. "Bros before hoes man. I got you. Now that we're all done here i want to go check out the pool. I heard they have and Olympic size pool. I'll go get Xiao Xiao."

" i'll get the rest of the team."

Knock knock knock.

Zhen Wu answered the door.


"Are you guy done me and Cheng En are heading to the pool want to join us."

"sure i could go for a dip." Yi Jie said as him and Sheng Zhe walked out the door.

"Zhen Wu get your suit. Yu Hao you coming." Zhen Wen asked.

"Sure I guess." Yu Hao grabbed his trunks with little energy and went into the bathroom to change.

"What is his problem?" Zi Xuan asked curiously.

"He's just mad he didn't get to share a room with you. I say let him mope." Zhen Wen said as he grabbed his own trunks and went out the door with the others.

Yu Hao came out of the bathroom dressed in his swim trunks. "You ready Xuan." As he started to walk passed Zi Xuan grabbed a hold on his wrist.

"Are you Ok?" Zi Xuan asked concern.

"I'm fine."Yu Hao said trying to take his arm away.

Zi Xuan held on. "That doesn't sound like fine to me. What's the matter?"

Frustrated Yu Hao answered. "Fine you want to know what my problem is. I'm just disappointed i guess. I had hopes about this weekend. It was silly of me I know. Even if we shared a room you might not even have let me be close to you.".

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, like falling asleep in your arms or being able to kiss you first thing in the morning. Watching your sleep filled eyes open and me being the first thing you see. Random stuff i wanted to do together." Yu Hao have never said this aloud to Zi Xuan so he was feeling very embarrass.

"So it wasn't all going to be about sex ths weekend."

Yu Hao grabbed Zi Xuan face between his hands. "Xuan come on what kind of question is that. Do I want you? Yes day and Night. It's enviable. You are hot as hell. I have to always talk my boner away. It sometime show up at inappropriate times. But I don't only want you around for your body. I love you as a person. I love it when you talk to me about any subject you are passionate about. You get this look in your eyes that captivate me. I love how calm I feel just sitting next to you not doing anything." Yu Hao hugged Zi Xuan and give him a kiss on the cheek. " You are my everything always remember that. And I'm sorry if I made you feel that sex was all I thought about. I promise for the remainder of this trip I won't do anything sexual to you ok. I promise. Now lets go swimming." Grabbing Zi Xuan hand they walked out of the room.


Xiao Xiao and Zi Xuan was just some of the few people sitting in the chair on the side of the pool.

"You don't want to swim Zi Xuan?" Xiao Xiao asked Zi Xuan as they caught some sun. The outdoor pool area was packed with students. Some swimming some racing and some playing games in the pool while other choose to sit on the sidelines and watch the entertainment.

"I'm afraid my knee would act up. How about you?" putting on suntan lotion and putting on his sun glasses.

Xiao Xiao with phone in hand recording said "Why swim when I can watch."

Zi Xuan looked in the direction her eyes were going and saw Zhen Wen and Zhen Wu splashing each other in the pool rather non brother like.

Zi Xuan rolled his eyes, "I don't know why I'm surprised. Carry on then."

"Look at Yu Hao I didn't know he could swim so well" Zi Xuan heard that statement from a chair on the other side of him. Not willing to pay attention to the unknown person he focus on his boyfriend.

Zi Xuan looked out at Yu Hao swimming in the pool. His stroke were so smooth and effortless. If they didn't catch him first on volleyball he could have easily joined the swim team. Zi Xuan see some of the swim team eyeing him up. Not a chance guys Yu Hao loves Volleyball as much as him.

Yu Hao begins to swim over to their side of the pool. When he got close enough Yu Hao effortlessly hoisted himself out of the pool. His arm muscles bulging and Zi Xuan got to see another glimpse of how strong he was.

Droplets of water cascade down his body as he shook off the excess liquid from his hair.

"You can stop drooling now Zi Xuan it's embarrassing." Xiao Xiao said cheekily.

"I'm not drooling." Getting a tissue from the side he wiped his mouth off of the imaginary drool.

"sure you wasn't." Xiao Xiao said

Zi Xuan was irritated for being called out on for ogling his boyfriend. Yu Hao should stop acting so cool getting out of thd pool without the ladder. Zi Xuan watch as other girls from the school drool at his boyfriends wet chiseled chest like he did. Not liking it one bit Zi Xuan pick up a towel walked over and handed it to Yu Hao.

"Thanks." Yu Hao grabbed the towel to dry his hair.

"I gave you that so you could cover yourself. " Xi Xuan said

"Cover myself for what." Yu Hao said sounding confused.

"You are practically naked." Xi Xuan pointed out

"It's a pool you are supposed to be naked."not seeing where Zi Xuan was going with this.

"I don't know just stop looking and acting like you and then you can go around half naked." ZI Xuan scowled to him. He knew he wasn't make sense but he didn't want other to see what was his.

A group of juniors were passing by smiling, giggling, pointing and waving in their direction. Finally the light bulb went off in Yu Hao head. Zi Xuan was jealousy. And what a cute jealous he was too. Yu Hao smiled and wrapped the towel over his shoulder and said. "I'm done swimming anyway. I'm going to go take a shower." He gave Zi Xuan a small pat on the butt and walked off.

"I think you and Yu Hao are so much more enjoyable than the brothers. I have enough material from that interacts between you guys just now to last me until the new year." Xiao Xiao said putting her phone away.

"Cheng En should really do something about you." flopping back in his chair.

"ha ha ha he wouldn't dare. Beside now that im no longer making him do it he doesn't mine."

Cheng En who just walked over to them dripping wet confirmed grabbing a towel to dry off. ."Xiao right. I love her just the way she is. Quirks and all." clapping his hands. "Now that I'm finished swimming let me get change and we can take a walk on the mountain trail outback Xiao."

"Let me change into my outfit meet you in 10 minutes." Xiao Xiao got up collected her things and ran off.

"the mountain trail walk was scheduled for the whole group tomorrow. Why are you guys going today." Zi Xuan pointed out

"Xuan my brother this is the only time i can get Xiao alone without other people around us. The coach is with the other teachers checking on things. There are no chaperones around we are going this might be the only time."

"ok have fun. Don't do anything i would."

"I'm going to try to do a lot of things you would. Bye." Cheng En waved as he walked off.

Zi Xuan decided to go to the gym beacsuse he was feeling a little wound up, edgy and tense. A good workout would do him wonders. He took a self to commemorate the event and went to work.

At the gym he worked every muscle in his body trying to wear himself out. Unfortunately he overdid it. As he was putting trying to change his clothes his calf muscle give out on him and he almost fell from the pain.

Fortunately Yu Hao suddening was right behind him and caught him before he fell. He carry him over to a bench and sat him down.

"Zi Xuan are you ok. Tell em where it hurts."

Zi Xuan was only able to point , the pain taking his voice away.

Yu Hao said no more and started to massage his leg. He kneaded the muscle and started to help the pain.

Now that the pain lessen a little Zi Xuan was able to think again and his first question was."how did you know to come here."

At first Zi Xuan thought that he wasn't going to answer or didnt hear the question than he responded.

"i been down here since you came."

"what i didn't see you?" Zi Xuan couldnt remember seeing him here.

"i was over by the treadmill it was over in the corner so you wouldn't be able to see it from here. I was worried about you and wanted to be near you if you needed me. But i could tell that you wanted to be alone so i didn't disturb you. If i got a good workout of it well that was bonus."

Zi Xuan didn't know what to say. "i"

"look i know what you are thinking that i followed you here to seduce you. We are practically alone in the gym and this is the perfect opportunity for alone time. No i really came here one to be near my boyfriend and two to be available if you needed me."

"thank you. That was really sweet. Im glad you were here."

"Well let me fix this legs so we can leave."

Yu Hao put all of his concentration into massaged Zi Xuan knee. The combination of his firm touch and gentle caresses easing the soreness as it always did.

As the pain gradually faded another sensation was going throughout his body. Yu Hao touch was reigniting the arousal that had been simmering since Zi Xuan saw him get out of the pool. The arousal he thought a trip to the gym could cure. The bench was starting to become extremely uncomfortable.

Zi Xuan knew any minute Yu Hao was going to notice his discomfort and comment on it. The evidents in his shorts hard to not see. But Yu Hao kept up a steady stream of conversation about Zhen Wen getting hit on by a group of girls and Zhen Wu getting jealous of it and taking him away. Zhen Wen was super happy the rest of the day.

"There now try to stand on your leg." Yu Hao suggested.

Zi Xuan stood up and tested his leg. It felt good as new. "I'm me again." Zi Xuan said breathlessly.

"good let's go it's almost time for dinner." Yu Hao got up and walked out the door. Obvious to the sexual undertones in the room.

Zi Xuan was just stunned. He know he didnt read the feelings wrong. He was hard as a rock after the massage and looking at Yu Hao he was just as hard. They usually both are after a massage. Only Yu Hao has the power to make him feel that way. But right now Yu Hao just walked away. Even now Zi Xuan was will to throw caution to the wind and find and empty place to take his boyfriend too. But it seems like he is that only one thinking that.

He knows he is being contradictory and confusing. He can't tell him not to touch him for the trip. Than be mad at him when he followed what he said. His sister does that to him all of the time. Is he acting like her now? Just thinking about it was making him more angry.

"Xuan you coming." Yu Hao peeks his head around the door and ask.

"Yeah. I was just stretching." Zi Xuan gather his things and walked after Yu Hao.


Laying on his bed in his room Zi Xuan had time to think about things. He is starting to see a pattern. Ever since Yu Hao give his promise to not seduce him on this trip Zi Xuan have been feeling extra horny from the littlest thing and slighted touch. At first it was little things. The pool drool incident that he didn't know until later Xiao Xiao took a picture of it. The Jealousy incident where he force him to wear clothes so others wouldn't look at him. The massage the leg at the gym moment. And then it was dinnertime. Lets call it Food Gate.

The school barbeque on the four grills that were provided by the site . Yu Hao noticing it wasn't any side dishes offered to make some soup and vegetable on the side.

Yu Hao was in the kitchen cooking some soup for the school. Zi Xuan smelled the wonderful smell coming from the pot and decided to taste it.

He lifted the spoon and tasted it. Made a face because it wasnt up to Yu Hao usually standards but this is the first time he is cooking for so many. "Yu Hao it's needs more salt."

Yu hao chopping carrots for another dish turned from the cutting board and say dubiously "It should be fine." He lifted up the spoon and blow on it to cool it off.

The sight of Yu Hao pursed lips blowing air on the hot soup made Zi Xuan more excited than it should. Yu Hao ran his hand over Zi Xuan hair, and smiled. "You are right Zi Xuan it's needs more salt. Thank you for noticing." He added more salt and lifted the spoon to do it again. The pursed lips came out again and he tried the soup again. Why were Yu Hao lips so sexy today?

"Can you get me the onion out of the fridge?" Yu Hao asked with his back turned chopping again.

Zi Xuan went to the fridge lean over and grabbed one of the onions. A little water on the floor made the floor slippery and he would have slip but he was caught before he did.

Yu Hao stood right behind him. Zi Xuan butt was cradled into Yu Hao crock. Yu Hao arm was wrapped softly around his waist holding him steady. "Be careful. Its slippery over here. I don't want you to hurt yourself." Yu Hao whispered in his ear. Closing his eyes Zi Xuan fought the need clawing at him just from a few words being whispered in his ear. He shivered at the feel of Yu Hao warm breath against his ear. Standing up he detangle himself from Yu Hao arms and briskly walked out the kitchen into his room. That's where he was now.

Cheng En opened the door. "Xuan are you here? Why are the lights off?" he turned on the lights and flooded the room with brightness.

"I had to think Cheng." Zi Xuan said laying on the bed.

"You missed dinner because you had to think. What was so important?" Cheng En came and sat next to him.

"Yu Hao is seducing me." Zi Xuan sat up and said.

"That bastard went back on his word. He promise to leave you alone this week. Wait until I get my hands on him. I'll show him not to mess with seniors." Cheng En got up and began pounding his fist.

"No he didn't go back on his word. He is seducing me with kindness." Zi Xuan grabbed his arm to stop him.

Confused Cheng En said "I'm sorry what."

"You heard me. He is hugging me and rubbing my hair, being careful with me. Taking care off me." Zi Xuan ticked off on his fingers all of the things he was doing.

"Oh the criminal." Cheng En grasp his chest dramatically.

"Look I know I'm not making sense. Which is why I need to stay away from him for awhile."

"Well I'm sorry I didn't know you wanted to hide from him." Knock knock "there he is right now." Cheng En got up to open the door.

"What why is he coming here?" Looking around for a means to exacape.

"You ask him."Cheng opened the door and in walked Xiao Xiao, Zhen Wen, Zhen Wu, and Yu Hao. Yu Hao was holding a plate and a drink.

Yu Hao hair was damp he must have just taken a shower. He always look so hot after a shower. Yu Hao walked toward him, taking slow leisure steps not to spill the food.. Every step closer he took made Zi Xuan memeber even harder.

Yu Hao sat next to him on the bed. "How are you feeling Xuan? Cheng En said you were sick and we shouldn't disturb you but you look ok now. I brought you some dinner since you didn't eat and your favorite drink." Holding up a drink container. "Also i got you some medicine from the take both of these." sitting the pouch in his hand.

"Thanks. Where the rest of you worried as well." Zi Xuan asked

"we are here to keep you company." Xiao Xiao said as she wrapped her arm around Cheng En waist. Zi Xuan looked at that,looked at Cheng En with his smirk and knew he missed something today.

Han Chen, Bai Yu, and Leng Mian also walked in. "Are we having a party. I need to invite my girlfriend." Han Chen got on his cell to call his girlfriend over.

Bai Yu offered to buy beer and Leng Mian came over to Zi Xuan to ask how he was.

"I heard you weren't feeling well today. Are you ok now?"

Yu Hao put a possessive arm around Zi Xuan shoulder. "He is fine Senior Leng Mian. I got him some medicine, light foods to eat and a drink. He will be talking and bossing people around in no time."

Leng Mian got the message and walked off saying he was going to the store for some snacks.

When everyone was assembled and drinks and food were passed around. Xiao Xiao suggested a game of truth and dare. A really stupid game to play when you are getting drunk.

They all sat on the floor in a circle. Xiao Xiao grabbed a bottle and spun it. It landed between Zhen Wu and Yu Hao.

"Its in the middle Xiao Xiao spin again." Cheng En suggested.

"No I want them both to do it truth or dare gentleman." Xiao Xiao said excitingly.

They looked at her and looked at each other and they both shouted "Dare."

"Not very smart gentleman. My Xiao is notorious for her dares." Cheng En warned.

"I was more afraid of what truth she was going to ask me." Yu Hao said nervously and Zhen Wu agreed.

"For the dare I want both of you to have someone on your lap the rest of the night. You have Zhen Wen and you have Zi Xuan."

"That's not a good idea senior. What is the forfeit if we don't do it?" Yu Hao questioned thinking the forfeit might not be so bad.

"You have to kiss anyone I tell you to in anyway I tell for the length of time I tell you as I record it." XiaoXiao said getting out her cell.

"I told you her dares are epic." Cheng En Said proudly.

"Zi Xuan please have a seat on my lap." Zi Xuan walked over and made himself comfortable on Yu Hao.

"The rest of the night Xiao Xiao." Zi Xuan asked.

"Yes the rest of the night."Xiao Xiao smiled.

Zhen Wu didn't ask. He just lifted Zhen Wen up and placed him on his lap.

"This is a great start." Cheng En said.

It was Cheng En turn and the bottle was spin again and landed on Zi Xuan and Yu Hao combo.

"I think you are doing this on purpose." Yu Hao whines. " I just went how can it be me again."

"The bottle gods have spoken. Now truth or dare." Cheng En said looking expectantly at them.


"Zi Xuan!" Yu Hao looked at his boyfriend shocked.

Zi Xuan shrug, "We might as well get the hard question out of the way so we can move on to something else tonight."

"A wise choose Zi Xuan. You are a leader amongst follower. I should make this a good question then." Rubbing his chin in concentration. "Have you guys had sex yet?"

The whole room went silent. All eyes turned to them for an answer.

"I'm sorry I'm confused do you mean have sex with each other." Han Chen asked finally taking his lips away from his girlfriend Yao Yao. Since the party began they had been in a corner seeing how long they can go without taken a breath.

"Yes with each other." Cheng En dismissed impatiently.

"Zi Xuan you're with Yu Hao. A guy." Senior Bai Yu said confused as well. "That's a shame my cousin was asking me if you would go out with her. I guess she doesn't have the right equipment."

Zi Xuan hide his face in his hand. Embarassed about the current conversation. "Killed me now."

"You picked truth." Yu Hao pointed out.

"I kind of figure as much when Yu Hao was practically warning me away from getting close." Leng Mian said not surprise by the news at all.

Zi Xuan elbowed Yu Hao in the stomach.

"Awwww. Why you hit me?"

"Stop warning people away from me." Zi Xuan whispered menacingly.

"I didn't do anything." confused when he did that.

"He was just marking his territory and I got the hint." Leng Mian said

"Marking what territory I'm not property."

"Oh course you are not' for anyone else." Yu Hao patted Zi Xuan arm.

"We are getting off the subject here. bottom line. They are dating and if you have a problem with that there is the door. You can request a new room with coach." Cheng En stood up and said in his best captain voice.

"Down. Cheng En. I was just a little bit shock. You can date who ever you want Zi Xuan. Back the guard dog up." Han Chen said.

"I agree with Han Chen. I was just disappointed for my cousin. I have to set her up with someone else now. Where am I going to fine a straight A student that plays a sport? Zhen Wu do you have a girlfriend?" Bai Yu asked hopefully

"I have prospects so no I'm not available."Zhen Wen elbowed him in the stomach


"Oh well she will just have to go on a blind date." Not to upset by the thought.

"I have no problem because I wanted to ask him out myself." Leng Mian said

"I knew it." Yu Hao said excitedly.

"shut it Yu Hao." Zi Xuan was stun because Leng Mian never said anything before.

"No I can always tell." Yu Hao knew when hungry wolves were out.

"Yu Hao."

"I understand that he is taken." He said to Yu Hao then he turned to Zi Xuan. "But if you get bored playing in the kiddie pool give me a call."

"senior or no I'm going to whip his ass." Yu Hao tried to push Zi Xuan off of his lap at the same time as he reached for Leng Mian.

"Leng Mian stop joking." Bai Yu said laughing.

"Yu Hao I'm joking. I don't poach ok. You guys really seem in love. I wouldn't mess with that. You are just too cute when you get angry."

"Whatever."Yu Hao said backing down.

"Anyway. Back to the answer to my question."Cheng En said trying to get people back on track.

Xiao Xiao had her cell out the whole time recording, "this is gold."

"the answer is No. Now let's move on." Zi Xuan said tired of the attention.

"Well that was anti climatic." Xiao Xiao said disappointed.

"Not from lack of trying." Yu Hao put in.

Zi Xuan elbowed him in the stomach. "shut it Hao."

"It's your turn to spin Wen." Xiao Xiao said happy again after the exchange.

The game continues as the night went on.

Clothes were taken off. Kisses were recorded. Bad dancing was recorded for blackmail later.

A game of kiss your partner blindfolded was started.

Only three couple participate. Xuan-Hao couple, En-Xiao couple and Chen-Yao. Hao Chen and Yao Yao win. Maybe because of all of the practice that they did.

Natural the group went from truth or dare to telling ghost stories. Leng Mian was telling a good one about a teen that lose his head after losing his virginity.

Beneath him, Zi Xuan felt Yu Hao twitching from time to time. "Are you doing Ok Hao am i too heavy." thinking all the movement was from his weight.

"I'm sorry Xuan. I promised not the say another." Yu Hao whispered in his ear.

Confused Zi Xuan asked." just say it."

"all of your wiggling is making me so hard right now." Yu Hao whispered into his ear. A shudder of pleasure went through his body from those soft spoken words. Zi Xuan squeezed his eyes shut fighting his own arousal. They were surrounded by their friends now is the wrong time for this. He was just doom to spend the rest of the evening as uncomfortable as Yu Hao.

He shifted in his seat again to try to get comfortable. Yu Hao nipped at his earlobe and he instantly stop. "If you don't stop wiggling that ass I'm going to taking you on the floor in front of everyone."

Zi Xuan nodded his head and stopped.

But for Yu Hao it was too far and to much. He whispered to Zi Xuan "I going to go to the restroom." Zi Xuan stood up and watched Yu Hao leave the room.

Zi Xuan grabbed a beer and began to sip it. He drunk half of it down waiting for Yu Hao to come back. When 15 minutes went by and still no Yu Hao. Zi Xuan got up to check on him. He tapped Cheng En to let him know he will be back.

Walking out of the room he headed toward Yu Hao room. He tried the door and realize that it wasn't locked. He heard Yu Hao before he saw him. The bathroom door was ajar and Yu Hao was standing in front of the toilet.

"Zi Xuan" Yu Hao moaned as he slowly stroked himself.

Is Yu Hao really jerking himself off.

"Zi Xuan" Yu Hao said his name breathlessly. His shirt was off and he was pinching his nipples. Playing with his ball between strokes.

This was the first time Zi Xuan had ever seen Yu Hao masturbate and it was hot as hell.

Zi Xuan own pants were getting tighter by the minute. He closed his eyes and tried to rub himself through his pants. He moaned and the moan was loud enough to get the attention of the bathroom occupant.

Yu Hao didn't say a word just keep stroking himself except now he was staring at Zi Xuan as he did it. Yu Hao was looking at him as if he was the most handsome man on the planet. Zi Xuan couldn't deny him anything at this point. Walking into the bathroom he got on his knees and grasp Yu Hao cock in his hand and begin to stroke it himself. Yu Hao cock throbbed with need at the feel of Zi Xuan hands on his body. Having trying to deny himself all day from getting close to Zi Xuan and touching him this snap the last thread of his control.

"I'm sorry Xuan baby im about to cum and i don't want to cum like this." He lifted him off the floor and walked him to the queen bed. "i know i promise not to do anything but i'm sorry you excite me too much. You pracically been seducing me all day." Yu Hao lift Zi Xuan shirt off and throw it on the floor.

"i've been seducing you."Zi Xuan said confused because in his mind it was the other way around.

Yu Hao made him step out of his pants and underwear. "yes seducing with you seductive looks and helpless act. You have been acting so cute all day. When you whine my name Yu Hao. I almost cum in my pants." Yu Hao was stroking him as he said that.

Yu Hao groaned and said " I need your ass." That was all the warning that he got before Yu Hao flipped him over and he was face down on the bed. Yu Hao hands spread Zi Xuan cheeks apart and pushed his tongue into the opening.

Zi Xuan was stunned by the alien sensation it felt weird and primal all at the same time. They have never done anything like this before. He began to move his hips, rocking and humping them on the mattress. The friction of the mattress on his cock and the feeling of his ass being eaten was too great.

Going over in a rush of sensation Zi Xuan cum with a grunt on the bed. Still trembling from his orgasm, Yu Hao flipped him over and kissed him with the same mouth he just kiss his butt with. It was a primitive and decadent act.

"Suck me." Zi Xuan heard the command in the voice and on shaky legs crawled to the end of the bed. He stretched his mouth wide and took Yu Hao into his mouth his erect cock hard and unyielding. He moaned enjoying the taste of him in his mouth. Licking and sucking him from tip to base and back again.

"Harder." Yu Hao held his head trying to get him in closer. His breathing labored and shallow.

"Like that baby. Yes. That's good." Zi Xuan cock was coming to life again from the encouraging words. Which he thought was impossible after the first mind blowing orgasm.

Yu Hao lifted Zi Xuan off him because he almost brought him to orgasm and he didn't want to do that in his mouth he wanted somewhere else. Zi Xuan crawled back up to the top of the bed where Yu Hao was. Yu Hao hugged him close surrounding him with a warmth that cocoon him in a sense of security that melted his insides.

Yu Hao cock pressing against him hard and solid "xuan I need you. Can I take you tonight?"



Author Note:

So yes im mean for stopping right there but i was afraid it was getting to long. The second part is almost done and should be up soon. I have a lot of adult words in this so im sorry if i offend anyone.