Yuzu and Karin

It's been a year since ichigo told his parents about his zanpakutous. Masaki was now nine months pregnant and the Kurosakis are expecting twins.

Ichigo have been killing any hollow nearby because he doesn't want to risk his family safety. Ichigo also saved Orihime brother from dying to a car accident making her have a crush on him. ( just allow it) Now let's see what ichigo is doing.

Ichigo was fighting a hollow while using his Quincy bow with his mother cross as he thought it would look cooler and it is more efficient.

However ichigo made it so that his bow does not destroy the hollow but purify it like shinigami do to keep the balance of the world. Soon he will absorb the soul king so that he could be the soul king and be more op. Suddenly he sensed a menos grande near his house.

He instantly killed the hollow and used hirenkyaku to appear in front of the menos grande. When he saw the menos grande he stopped using his bow and called out zangetsu before screaming " GETSUGA TENSHOOO...." It instantly killed the hollow while clearing the weather.

The whole planet shake for a second just from the little reiatsu ichigo release for that getsuga tensho.

Now ichigo is going back home to eat lunch while continue protecting his mother at home.

It was now night time and Ichigo saw his mother water broke. He shunpo to his father who was shopping for groceries and told him that his mother water broke.

He then hold isshin and shunpo to Masaki and shunpo them near the hospital. They quickly told the doctor Masaki was pregnant and was escorted to the VIP patient section as Ryuken saw that the patient was his adopted sister Masaki.

A couple hours later and you can see ishhin carrying two baby girls. One with black hair like him and one with orange hair like Masaki. He named the black hair one Karin and the orange hair one Yuzu.

Ichigo was happy that his two younger sister was healthy and safe. He then healed his mom with healing kido. Ryuken was astonished that ichigo was able to do this as it require a lot of control and he was only 4.

Ichigo also gave Masaki her Quincy cross back before giving one to Yuzu and Karin as he will personally train his sister himself.( The Quincy cross for Yuzu and Karin is for when they turn 4 where ichigo will train them)