Saving Tatsuki

Ichigo is now eight years old. Throughout the three years, nothing much happen except ichigo being closer to Tatsuki, Orihime and the hollows. He also got closer to his siblings and parents.

Ichigo is always training Tatsuki and Orihime since he hoped they would be able to defend themselves. This made them fall in love with him even more and they wished they have the courage to confess before it's too late.

Ichigo was returning from school when he saw four adults cornering Tatsuki in an alleyway. Seeing this he went and heard them saying they are gonna kidnap Tatsuki since they like raping lolis. Ichigo got angry seeing this and even though he does train her, she couldn't beat four adults as she is now since she is more to one on one battle. That is something ichigo made sure to fix.

He went and screamed at them making Tatsuki go behind him. They saw Ichigo and thought he was nothing so they went and tried to attack Ichigo. Big mistake. Ichigo dodged the first guy and gave a jaw breaking uppercut.

He then kicked the guy making him smash to the wall and break the wall from the impact. The guy instantly fainted. His friends thought that was a lucky shot so they all just tried to corner Ichigo. Ichigo seeing this smirk before kicking all three of them from a spinning kick.

All of them got knocked out. Ichigo went to Tatsuki and hugged her tightly and let her cry to his shirt. He grabbed his phone that his company made called iPhone. He called the police and told them that he defended his friend from rapists and that all of them are knocked out from him.

He gave the police the location and walk Tatsuki home. Tatsuki the whole time was still crying as she was still scared but seeing Ichigo saving her like a knight in shining armor saving a princess made her heart skip and making her fall in love with him even more.

Once they reached her home, she asked Ichigo to stay with her until her parents return from work which would be in two hours. Ichigo being the gentleman accompanied her. Ichigo made some curry rice for dinner making Tatsuki smile.

Tatsuki being bold decided it was time to confess to Ichigo. She told Ichigo she loved him and wanted to be more than friends while in the middle of eating. Ichigo smiled at her and told her he accepts only in one condition. Tatsuki thought she was ready for it but when Ichigo asked her she was a bit confused.

Ichigo asked if she is willing to share him with other girls. Tatsuki asked why he wanted more and Ichigo said that he is greedy and he knew Orihime liked him. He also said that he want to love more than one girl. Tatsuki being a child agreed to it since she really loved Ichigo. Ichigo smiled and told her that they would go on a date tomorrow making her blush heavily and smile widely.

After finishing dinner, her parents returned home. Ichigo seeing this told her that he should go home now but before he could, Tatsuki kissed him on the cheeks surprising everyone. Ichigo just wink at her and went home. Tatsuki parents always knew Ichigo so they are happy for her and hoped they would have a good future together.