The Awakening

"'Wake up Patient Zero, otherwise known as Decimator!!!'" 'Who? What? Where am I?' I can't see anyone in my surroundings, alive at least. I also can't seem to remember anything since before I woke up. "'I am the Decimation Initiation System, or DIS for short. I was given to you by God in order to save this self-destructive race.'" 'God exists? Dang, many would have loved to know that. Wait why would I say that? Who is God?' "'When your memory returns you will know. For now, here is your status'":

{Zero/Decimator's Status}

Lv.0 Mutants killed:0 Super Mutants killed:0

Exp. to the next Lv.:30

Health: 100

Attack: 15

Speed: 50

Endurance: 50

Regeneration: 100


'Why am I so much stronger compared to a normal person?' "'You were a cyborg-mutant experiment conducted by Russia in Antarctica, where we are now. The vaccine for COVID-19 worked, for twenty years that is. The vaccine then caused people to mutate, secluded incidents at first, then one day three-quarters of the world turned in one night. You had taken the vaccine, and you had mutated, but kept your personality and memories. Due to that, they wanted to make a predator that could kill the mutants, without fear of further mutation. It would have worked had one of your blood bags not popped. This resulted in many of the scientists mutating, and so, as you can see, you killed them.

Though not before…,'" 'telling Lilianna to hide, and wait for me. I remember everything now. How are you going to help me do my 'job' though?' "'I allow you to level up by killing mutants, tell you the powers and the physical capabilities of mutants, and give you quests that will allow you to gain powers and raise your physical capabilities even further.'" After a few seconds of quiet, I start worrying about Lilianna's safety. Ding, ding, ding, ding!! New quest!!

{Main Quest}

Save Liliana Gorbatrov

Danger Level: 1

Reward: Attack +15, Plasma-Infused Longsword


Save her?! Couldn't you have given me this earlier if she was in danger?!' "'I am sorry, but a quest can only appear if you think about the objective.'" What kind of God makes quests only appear after you think about it, apparently, he does. Guess, I should look in the infirmary first. Not here either, it's weird there's no sound ether than me running. Where are the mutants? Lilianna, even? 'DIS, I should have asked earlier, but do you have a map feature that can tell me where to go?' "'Yes, but it only gives an approximate area until you either see it or figure out the location.'" 'Understood DIS, could you please open the map? Certainly.

Ba-da-ding!! So, it seems she went to the fifth floor somewhere near the medical lab, but why so far down? .... Ahhh, who cares?! She needs my help, now, and I'm still dawdling on the second floor…. "Argh!!" Why did they make each floor so big?! "'You do realize, that at the speed at which you are traveling, you will arrive at the stairs within twenty minutes? For any of the scientists in the base, it would take them nearly an hour to cross the same distance at their average running speed.'" Yes DIS I am fully capable of realizing that. I just want to get there faster and find her.

"'I understand, somewhat, Decimator, but not fully. I am a sentient being, but I am also, how would you say it, programmed. I will never turn from God, will never disobey him. I will never go against what it is he wishes for me to do. This is much different from humans. Humans are able to change things, act differently than what I would've thought. God already knew they would do it yet he still chose them.

That is why he is God. His compassion and love are all-encompassing. Able to love even those that….'" Finally, the stairs! "'Were you even listening to me?'" Hmmm? Oh, yes, I was listening to you, but it was more like background noise. I understood what you were saying, but did not catch every little bit. "'Alright as long as you heard part of it.'" The third floor had nothing in it, other than dead scientists and guards…. The bodies are so spread apart.

I forgot just how few people this base had. "'Yes, altogether it had about one-hundred thousand people when it was active. After the mutants started appearing, though, all but the necessary personnel left. This left around three-thousand personnel, who lived only on the fourth and fifth floor of the base. They traveled to the other floors, but only in order to ensure that if it was ever needed things were not damaged.'"

Still, only three-thousand people seem far too few for a base this size. How could they keep every floor running this long? I don't see how they could. Especially since the second and third floors had no lights or power at all. "'They cut off the power supply to all but the fifth and sixth floor. They only allowed the fourth floor to have the emergency lights on.'" That makes more sense to me now. So, most of the personnel were on the second floor at the time the blood bag burst?

My memories became a bit hazy after Lilianna left. "'Yes, there were many problems that needed to be addressed on the second floor. It was the time for your daily blood test, so they decided to do it there and then. You know the rest of what happened.," It all makes more sense now. Thanks, DIS. "'You're welcome….'" Fifth floor, holy hot Batman, it seems I've hit the give-me-dead-body parts-jackpot.