Chapter 84: Bradesco's Anniversary - Part 2

"It is an honor for us to have you here," Luiz Carlos Trabuco Cappi said as he held out his hand. 

"It's our pleasure." Luan shook his hand.

"Happy to see you again, President Luiz Carlos." Maira shook his hand with a friendly smile.

"Equally." President Luiz Carlos smiled and said, looking at Ingrid, Cristina, and Catharina, "These three lovely girls, must be your daughters and daughter-in-law, yes?"

"That's right." Maira nodded. She looked at the three with a kind smile.

"Delighted to meet you, ladies," President Luiz Carlos joked, making a show of obeisance as in ancient times.

This made Ingrid, Cristina, and Catharina feel more comfortable and even laugh a little.

"Equally," the three girls said.

"Please, follow me." President Luiz Carlos led them inside.

The arrival of the Dimas family with Bradesco's CEO - Luiz Carlos Trabuco Cappi, drew a lot of attention.