Chapter 282: Oni

"I think I found something," Ingrid said excitedly.

A chest was in front of her. She was on the second floor and had only managed to get there by using Blood Qi to fly there, as the stairs were destroyed.

Luan went to her, and said, "Wait, step back. It could be a trap."

"Okay." Ingrid recoiled.

Luan deactivated a series of ancient spells that protected the chest, then he destroyed the formation that protected it, but he didn't stop. There, there was also a series of key codes that, if activated, could activate a trap.

Ingrid looked at it, impressed. She didn't expect this to be so complex. Her eyes were attentive. Even without understanding anything, she would like to learn. Nora just smirked. She already knew Luan's innate talent. This was something like child's play for him. Within seconds, all of the spells, keys, and formation were deactivated.