Chapter 302

"Ahhhhhh!" Clarice's scream resounded through the room, permeated with pain and despair. She began to cry loudly, consumed by guilt. Once she had deeply loved her sister, but over time, envy corroded her, leading her to desire her sister's fiancé and, finally, to commit the worst of crimes.

Marquis Thaylon, trying to defend himself, pointed a finger at the Patriarch, his legs trembling. "You can't kill me. My father will seek revenge if you do."

However, in the face of the overwhelming power of an Emperor like Patriarch Miller, Thaylon knew he was insignificant. Even if he used all the resources at his disposal, it would be impossible to escape alive from the Patriarch's wrath. The room was charged with the tension of a final judgment, each word and gesture weighing like lead in the already saturated air of conflicting emotions.