Chapter 441

No matter how many of these broadcasts Cecilia had seen, Catharina's charm and temperament never ceased to fascinate her. She even dared to watch covertly under the covers so her parents wouldn't discover her watching those broadcasts since Catharina had a habit of cursing while playing.

Indeed, Cecilia Gates was a noticeable figure. She had long, silky red hair, contrasting with her deep blue eyes. Her beauty and physique, despite her young age, drew looks and admiration wherever she went. Beyond her appearance, she was also a prodigy in the cultivation world, having already reached the Third Order.

Suddenly, a firm sound echoed through the room.

"Knock, knock!"

Cecilia's bedroom door opened suddenly. Thinking it was her parents, she acted swiftly. She slid her phone under the pillow and closed her eyes, pretending to be deep asleep.