Chapter 444: A Breath of Normalcy

For the inhabitants of Earth, Christmas and New Year passed like fleeting shadows, eclipsed by the oppressive presence of frenetic beings. It was hard to find joy in the festivities, just a mere memory in a world haunted by constant dangers.

Even the most enthusiastic celebrators found neither space nor desire to commemorate. Despite global despair, in some regions blessed by Luan's intervention, hope blossomed. Here, people from all backgrounds united to plan a week of festivities, a daring challenge to the shadows still looming over the world.

This idea gained momentum and quickly spread as soon as the internet was restored, circulating around the world.

However, this wave of celebration did not reach every corner. With over 1 billion living beings lost globally and countless having their loved ones transformed into frenetic beings, in many places, the wounds were still too open, the grief too profound to allow any thoughts of festivity.