Chapter 449: The Echo of War and the Peace of Colors

As twilight spread, an unusual night announced itself, bringing back memories of the apocalypse's onset and the emergence of the first frenetic beings. The once vibrant city streets now resonated with the sounds of combat, transforming a haven of tranquility into a stage of war against an invasion of frenetic mutant insects.

Before the frenetic mutant insects could completely devastate the city, Luan Dimas and his wife, Ingrid Anjos, entered the scene, bringing strength and renewing hope. Luan used his ability to manipulate rain to weaken the insects and alleviate the survivors' injuries, while Ingrid annihilated the enemies with her blood scythe.

With the arrival of combat helicopters, armed with special weapons and ammunition, the combat gained a new level of intensity. These firearms pierced the insects' defenses, intensifying the cries of the wounded monsters in the fight.

"A united people will never be defeated..."