All Pain

As time went on, my stomach grew bigger and made it difficult for me to walk. It's been a long time since I saw Erwin. Is he all right?

I walked in the palace garden with several servants and guards. Of course surveillance is very tight because I carry an heir who will lead this empire. All of this is making me uncomfortable, I hope it ends soon.

"Your Highness, the Crown Prince would like to see you. Please follow me."

The Crown Prince is calling me? Not like usual. Even though he rarely met me. He never visited unless it was urgent.

I walked to one side of the palace that was deserted. I didn't see a single person there. When I want to turn around and want to ask him. The guard pushed me until my stomach was hit so hard. My belly is in a lot of pain, until a water formed under my shirt. I saw the guards who screamed calling my name and a help. I was immediately carried by the servants. 

In a room, Adeline is trying to deliver the baby. Meanwhile, Cedric was waiting for her outside without a worried face. A servant opened the door to tell Cedric about Adeline situation.

"Forgive us, Your Highness. We have done our best."

Cedric entered the room and saw Adeline lying tired on the bed. The bed was covered with blood. Adeline just cried covering her face. Cedric asked the servants to come out of the room. He sat next to Adeline and touched the bed.

"I never thought it would be like this. Look at my face Adeline."

Adeline didn't respond to Cedric and continued to cry.

"Who would have thought the child you just gave birth is died. No need to cry about it, it's useless."

"Useless? I gave birth to a child I didn't want. You know how hurt I was because of your treatment? My life was shattered. I don't want to be treated like this. Please forgive me. Please don't bother Erwin."

I begged him. He just kept quiet. Until he pulled my hair and made me fall out of bed.

"Don't bother Erwin? Nonsense, everything has gone according to plan. I won't stop, until he's really suffering. That child's death was one of my plans and the culprit is Erwin De Estefan."

His words pierced my broken heart. What did he say? The plan? All of this is the plan?


"Rest my wife. Tomorrow is a big day."

Cedric left Adeline with a sharp gaze. Adeline stared blankly and thought about all that she had been through. These are all traps of the Crown Prince. Adeline hold of her head, tugged at her hair, and sobbed.

Her face was only filled with tears. The sound of crying with the pain she and Erwin had been through. She felt guilty for Erwin. She want the time back to normal. Back to the beginning before all this things.

"Erwin ... Erwin ...."


The debate over the assassination of the would-be heir to the throne is become talk of many people. Everyone accuses Erwin of murder. Of course Adeline denied this and tried to help. But, Cedric readily said that his wife had become insane at the loss of her child and felt sympathy for his beloved wife.

"What are you doing it for?"

The nobles felt anger towards Erwin also felt sorry for what happened to Adeline. They all argue and finally decide to execute him. The next day, Erwin will be executed in front of everyone. I saw it with my own eyes.


I almost went crazy. Shut up in a room, not eating or drinking, and laughing at something that isn't there. All the servants and guards just watched me without feeling sympathy. You jerks, I'm fed up with it all.

Adeline walked to the balcony of her room and stood at the end of the balcony. The night air blew past Adeline long, snow-white hair. She without any fear, staring at the full moon. What is the real meaning of life?

"Your Highness!"

A servant and guard wanted to stop Adeline. But they are afraid to approach her. Adeline will drop herself down. The Crown Prince has arrived to stop Adeline.

"Adeline, is this what you are going to do?"

"Huh? If so, I wouldn't have done it."

I didn't look at them and kept looking at the full moon. The moon was very bright, it's alluring to look at. Give me one more chance. Give me the opportunity to love him. Give me a chance to change this cruel world.

Without a word, Adeline threw herself down the balcony. Her body was covered in blood. Maybe her legs and arms were broken. She felt the pain and laughed happily, as she looked at the moon again. 

"Give me a chance to meet him."


Am I dead? Where is this? I feel like in a room with a puddle of water. No leads, no directions. I'm just walking straight. Didn't pay attention around. No matter where I am. I'm still alone.

"Miss Adeline?, Will you be my debutante partner?"

"Adeline .... Adeline ....."

"Adeline, you are a great woman."

All this noise? I don't wanna hear it. Get away from me! I don't need sympathy. I don't need all of them. My life has ended here. I don't want to be bothered by you anymore.

Adeline ignored everything and fell asleep in a puddle of water. The water was pulling her down, to a bottomless end. Adeline looked at the moonlight reflected from under the water. A very bright light, unlike the usual moonlight.

Adeline raised her hands. She wanted to reach the moon. She can't reach it, a shadow kept pulling her down. Trying to get loose and grab it, until she finally gives up and gets caught by the shadow.

Why should I do it? I'm so stupid. You're dead Adeline. You will continue to be here all your life. What am I trying to do? I'm just a weak and unreliable woman. I have carried a burden on everyone. Nobody cares about me. Nothing, nowhere.

I'm just a meaningless human. Has no meaning or purpose in life all this time. Why do I have to live? Why do I have to keep going? why should I love him? Why do I hope for an opportunity that will never arise?

Adeline gaze went blank and began to sink into a black shadow. Her hands have given up on grasping for something that never will be. A time to forget the memory, she wanted to remember everything one last time. The words she wanted to hear before they all ended.

"I'll be with you Adeline."

"I will continue to support you."

"Don't underestimate yourself. You are a great woman."

"I love you, Adeline Von Lawrence."


End Chapter 2.