A Man Name Edgar

The next day they headed to the place Ryan described. A big and deep cave. They were prohibited from entering by the cave guards. Adeline finally gave the cave keepers a large enough amount to enter. The cave guards would have been happy to accept it.

Even though the looks on their faces were just ordinary. It was clear that they were happy to receive the money.

The cave was only filled with torches along the way. The muddy streets of the cave made the shoes wet and made them slippery.

"Everyone watch your step." Said Andreas.

Andreas and Ryan walked in front to confirm the situation, while Adeline was behind with Erwin. They walked carefully, until Adeline fell and was caught by Erwin.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Andreas and Ryan looked at them from the front. Feeling annoying with Erwin who started with them on their way in the forest. At the end of the cave, there was a wooden door. The door is locked. Luckily, the cave guard gave them the key. Adeline found a detention cell.

I couldn't see the contents of the detention cell because it was dark. I finally picked up a torch and looked closely.

Erwin, Andreas, and Ryan are also curious. They were even behind Adeline and following her movements to see. A sharp eye stared at her from inside the cell. Shocked for a moment, Adeline finally gave the torch to Ryan and started the conversation.

"I'll go into the cell to see more clearly."

"No, Miss. We don't know what's inside yet." Andreas spoke fast.

"That's right there might be a monster inside."

I stopped Ryan who were talking nonsense and come in with Andreas. Opens the dark cell door. Getting closer inside, I saw someone. White hair with dark gray eyes that stared intently. My center attention is his hands and feet were tied by chains. We stare at each other. His dirty shabby clothes with a handcuff around her neck. Who did it?

"What's your name?"

Adeline knelt in front of him. He didn't answer her question and just kept looking at her. Adeline wanted to touch it, but he scratched Adeline hand until it hurt.


"I'm alright."

He didn't speak a single word. Can't he talk? Ha...all this has gotten so troublesome. I accidentally saw something behind him. There is a name on a wall. I reas it carefully.


When Adeline accidentally called out his name. Edgar moved away from her with a cold gaze. Adeline tried to get closer, talk again. Edgar rebelled and Adeline give up.

"How's Miss Adeline?" Ryan asked.

"Something's wrong."

Why is he locked up in a cell like this? What are the villagers doing? They seemed to be hiding something.

"We'll come back later, Andreas and Ryan come with me."

"What's wrong Miss Lawrence?"

With her smile, "I want to check something."

Tour the village then ask for Edgar information. Not even a single villager dared to talk about it. All just stared at them coldly after asking. At the end they did not find any information and returning to the inn. Suddenly a village chief came to visit.

"You have to behave yourself while you're here. If you inconvenience the villagers. We will kick you out of the village."

What is it? We only ask something about Edgar. Why are they so serious about this problem?

"Miss Lawrence, like tomorrow we have to see that man named Edgar again." Said Erwin after the village head left.

"Yes, you're right."

Just in case, Adeline orders Andreas and Ryan to seek information secretly. Meanwhile, Adeline was just waiting at the inn with Erwin.

"They really obeyed you."

"Hm? They just doing what are they suppose to do."

Erwin walked over to Adeline who was on the bed and sat next to her. Adeline heart was pounding but expressionless.

"I was curious about you."

Erwin pushed Adeline on the bed. Adeline just stared at Erwin's face who was above her.

"What is your reason? Miss Adeline Von Lawrence."

"My reason? ha ... my only reason is to change everything."

They were silent, Erwin laughed at Adeline. "You are indeed an interesting person."

Since returning to the past, my reason is to change my life. But I forgot something important. I forgot about how I felt with him. I thought this feeling had disappeared. Felt it back when I was with him. Are we going to be united in this life? I'm curious about that question.

"Erwin, do you believe in the previous life?"

"...Well, you could say I believed a little."

What kind of answer is that?

A few moments later, Andreas and Ryan have returned. According to information, this village was destroyed 10 years ago due to monsters running wild. They have been searching for the monster continuously and finally locked up the boy named Edgar. They believe that Edgar is the monster who destroyed the village.

"But what is the evidence? What makes the villagers think like that?"

"Some say that Edgar is a descendant of the last mixed dragon."

The last mixed dragon bloodline? I've heard of it, I thought it was a myth. The last sight of a dragon was 500 years ago. Is this a coincidence?

It was said that the mixed dragon line age was like a curse. If you get too close to them. A bad luck will always come your way.

"Ha? all this makes it clear."

Adeline plan to return to the cave again. The guards forbade them even though they were paid dearly. It was already night. Adeline was curious, so she wanted to ask Edgar again.

"Andreas..Ryan..do your job."

With creepy faces, Adeline ordered Andreas and Ryan to attack the guards. The guards were unconscious from a heavy beating. She entered the cave and the cell door was opened.

"Edgar... Edgar... Edgar..."

Adeline called him three times. Edgar approached her.

"Miss, do we also have to come in?"

"No, just let me take care of it."

Edgar stopped walking because Adeline was walking toward him. Frightened, He almost wants to fight her. Erwin, Andreas, and Ryan tried to be patient. Keep watching her with a pounding heart.

"Do you want to be free?"

"Do you want to get out of this misery?"

Adeline stretched out her hand and smiled warmly. Edgar just stared at her in confusion. His sharp eyes were dark gray. His long hair covered part of his face. Edgar walked slowly and almost wanted to hold her hand.


The villagers flocked into the cave with torches. They scolded or protested our actions to the village. Erwin tried to calm them down while Ryan was alert next door.

"Miss, we must go now!" Said Andreas.

The villagers were running out of patience and finally fought them by throwing something like stones. Andreas forcibly took her outside because of the villagers. She accidentally fell, Adeline hair was pulled tight by one of the villagers.


End Chapter 21