The City of GrandDuke

Arriving at GrandDuke town. They rented a horse day care and lodging. Going around town looking for a man named Ryan.

According to Andreas information. Ryan often appeared at bars and casinos. They seek it out by visiting bars and casinos simultaneously. All day long they were looking for a person named Ryan. It was getting darker and decided to return. 

"We almost went around to all the bars and casinos. But still can't find Ryan. Is it true that he's been there often?"

"I've been digging for information. Maybe he doesn't want to show himself, or he already knows about us looking for him."

How does Ryan know that we are looking for him? We ask people quietly. Ryan? what kind of person are you?

They arrived at the inn and forced to share a room because it was too dangerous. She just came back from the bathroom and accidentally saw Andreas who was topless.

"Ah.. I'm sorry."

"Wait...!! Miss Adeline."

I've never seen Andreas body before. He has an athletic body. Of course he has. He is the deputy commander of the troops.

"Stop thinking like that."

Adeline looked in the mirror and combed her long hair. Andreas returned with dinner. Adeline tied her hair back and headed towards him. 

"Tomorrow, we'll look for him again. Like he's not coming to the big bars and casinos."

Andreas stopped eating, "How can you be so sure?"

Ryan, maybe he someone who is smart. There was no way he would show his intelligence in front of people. All of this, got so complicated.


"It's just my feeling, Andreas."

The next day, Adeline and Andreas got up early. Began to look for him again. Ryan very thoroughly.

At a bar in a small alley. They were forced to stop due to heavy rain. Entering the bar, everyone noticed them because of their suspicious appearance. Adeline and Andreas sat at the edge of the bar, so they wouldn't be center of attention. Order a drink and start discussing about Ryan.

Under her hood, she looked around the bar for it. The people gathered played with each other betting on money and jewelery. In the midst of that. A man with dark purple hair and his wine-purple eyes joined the bet by arm wrestling.

They started, their match was very fierce. The purple haired man looked very calm, while the muscular man who was fighting his opponent was seen trying to move his hands.

I watched they match under the hood of my robe. The purple-haired man looked very happy, as if he already knew that he would win the match. 

The muscular man kept on trying and finally the man with blackish purple hair won the match. He stood up then raised his hand to celebrate his victory. At that moment too, He suddenly made a bet with 500 gold pieces. If someone will win against him, he will give the money to the winner.

"I do."

Everyone looks towards the source of the sound. A person wearing a black robe walked towards him. Andreas knows the person. The person wearing the robe was none other than Adeline.

"You want to fight me?"


The man sat back down and prepared his position. He will start the match, but before it starts. Adeline made another bet with him.

"If I win, you must comply with my request."

The man looked confused. He smile and said, "I don't know who you are, but you seem like an interesting person."

Adeline sat opposite him and then prepared her position. Their hands touched each other, an old man started the match.

It's starting, their hands were trying to knock each other out. Adeline didn't move at all, while the purple-haired man seemed to be having a hard time fighting her.

Everyone was watching them, their match was interesting. Adeline gave a smile under her robe and won the match.

"According to the agreement, you must comply with my request."

"What can I do about it?" The purple haired man threw a bag of gold coins at Adeline.

"Be my men, Ryan."

Adeline said as she opened the hood of her robe. Showing her white hair and beautiful face.

Everyone is fascinated by it. Adeline stretched out her hand and said one more time to Ryan.

"Be my men, Ryan."

Ryan didn't ask at all and walked towards her. Andreas wanted to approach too. But she ordered him to stop and stay put. Ryan stared at Adeline face without speaking. Touched her face then said.

"What can you give as my master?"

With a smile, "Glory, dignity, and take us to the places we dreamed of."

Ryan took Adeline hand and placed it on his face, "Is that so?"

He whispered to me then left the bar. A few moments later, I hit the table so hard. I split it in half and go out the bar with Andreas. I was annoyed when returned to the inn and try calm down.

Andreas just stood in front of the door, seeing Adeline throwing things on the floor. He didn't want to interfere. He just stood at the door without saying a word.

"Andreas, come here."

He headed towards Adeline fearlessly. Adeline made him sit on the bed and she took off Andreas shirts.

"How do you know, that person is Ryan?"

"Hm, that's easy. When I saw him, I was know that from the start." 

Adeline put her hand on Andreas chest. She whispered in Andreas ear in her sinister voice. 

"Are you really giving me your body and soul?"

"Of course, you don't trust me? What can I do to trust you again?"

Andreas stood up and touched her face. He shed tears in front of Adeline with an apology.

"I'm sorry, Miss Adeline. I will do my best and I will not disappoint you."

"Good, that's what I want."

Earning Ryan trust seems like it's harder than expected. That's okay, I have other plans to get it.

Ryan, I will earn your trust. No matter what I have to do.

"Andreas, since you became my man. How do you feel? Why do you want to come with me?"

Andreas said confidently. He stared at her, his green eyes not taking his eyes off. Kneel before Adeline with utmost respect.

"I have a hope in you. At first I had doubts, but after seeing you. I changed my mind, you are the person I have been looking for."

"Is it true?"

With a smile, "Adeline Von Lawrence, I will continue to be by your side and will not betray the trust I have given."

The night breeze blew in Andreas and Adeline window. She smiled warmly and then gave him cold face in front of Andreas.

"Thank you, Andreas." 

The rain fell slowly, making the air very cold. A gust of wind made the candle go out because of it.

Meanwhile, a man with dark purple hair and purple like wine, closed the window in his room. He sat on the bed then looked at his hands and thought about her.

"Who are you? Why you want me to be your men? Strange woman." 

End Chapter 13