
As they returned to the hall. Ryan led Adeline in the direction of his Father and First Brother. Count Hadel wanted to announce something to all them. The competition for the name of the family will be held in two days. They will compete fairly. Will be held three times. If one of them wins. He will get a count title.

The Count introduced his son who was going to participate the match. Ryan walked with Adeline and followed by the first son along with the his fiance.

He wanted his son to find a suitable partner to become a Countess in the future. Therefore, the couple will pair up for the match.

Handel family is a respectable family with a gold, diamond, and territory. Count Hadel wanted his successor to be a great person. Doing a match for this kind of thing, it's just troublesome.

After the party ends, Adeline and Andreas stay at the Hadel mansion for a while. Count Hadel ordered his son's future fiancee to live there. All of that for another two-day match to be held in the Count Hadel family private forest.

"Miss? Can I come in?"

"Of course."

Andreas come in from the side room. Their rooms are attached to each other and a door is connected. Andreas wore a white shirt. He sat on the sofa. Adeline, who saw Andreas sitting on the sofa. She at next to him and looked at the balcony.

"The match will be in two days. At that time we will be with the Hadel family to spend time together. Andreas don't go away yourself from me. Always prepare your sword."

Andreas asked Adeline. "Why are you so wary of this family?"

I felt something strange in this family. I shouldn't have thought anything nonsense. Everything looked normal at first, but before Ryan wanted to take Andreas and me to the room. The first son Jeremy looks at me coldly.

"Anyway, keep on alert. Don't let your guard down."

"Very well, Miss Adeline."

The next day, they gathered at Hadel private garden. A small tea party, talking about tomorrow match. Count Hadel looked pleased. Especially when talking to Adeline.

"Miss Sasha is a very passionate person. Where did you find her, Ryan?"

"You don't need to know. I'm so glad you like Sasha."

I continued to talk in front of Count Hadel. He always talking to me, while Miss Cosette seemed ignored by him. The first son came late because of an affair. He will join when everything is finished.

During the conversation, Cosette accidentally dropped her tea glass. She apologized to Count Hadel for her disrespectful behavior. Her clothes wet with tea stains. Adeline help her and brought her to change clothes.

I headed to the dressing room with Miss Cosette. When she finished changing. We decided to go back. On the way to the garden, Miss Cosette suddenly looked at me.

"Miss Sasha, don't feel happy that Count Hadel praises you."

"What do you mean? Miss Cosette."

Cosette warned her not to steal Count Hadel attention. She was furious by it. She grabbed Adeline hair and also said to pay respects, because she was the Baron daughter.

I thought she was a good person. It turned out to be the same as the others. Why do I always meet people like this? Calm down Adeline. don't get carried away with emotions.

"I'm sorry, Miss Cosette."

Adeline give a bow and apologized. Cosette didn't look satisfied, so she decided to go back first. When she arrived, the first son was already there talking to Count Hadel. Stopping in her tracks because she felt bad things. Andreas rushed towards her and then asked her condition.

"Sorry, Andreas."

Sighed deeply, threw away any doubts, walked over, and sat back down next to Ryan. Count Hadel spoke to Adeline with a warm smile again and introduced her first son to her.

"Miss Sasha, Introduce Jeremy Su Hadel's first son. Jeremy, this is Miss Sasha."

We introduce ourselves again. Maybe he think that we forget each other. Once again, I felt a strange air in the first son. He always to smile bitterly, the first son asked me.

"What noble are you from? Miss Sasha."

She wants to answer Jeremy question. Ryan immediately cut off the conversation and then asked his father about tomorrow's match.

Count Hadel almost forgot about the match. Explaining the match, tomorrow all day each pair will compete with each other. Count Hadel said the first match would be played by his son's fiancé. The match will test his fiancé's skills.

I saw Miss Cosette face. Her face looks worried. I'm satisfied to see it and suddenly she said that too. Making me surprised to hear that.

"Yes, Count Hadel. I can definitely win this first match." Cosette smiled at Adeline.

So she wants to seriously fight me? It's okay, I'm not afraid. I'll shown you. I will win this match.

After a long talk with Hadel family. Adeline goes around the mansion to get some fresh air with Andreas. Their identity is unknown. But their identities as Sasha and Jackson are become a top topic. In her navy blue dress. Adeline caught the attention of many servant and guard. Gossiping about she was a Ryan fiancée.

Wherever I want to be. I always become the talk of many people. I hope Andreas isn't bothered by it. They were in the stronghold of the Count Hadel family. I saw big lake and thinking of a plan to defeat Cosette.

"Don't push yourself. If there's anything you need. I'm willing to help you."

"Thank you."

Andreas was worried about me. Why do I have to bother with this match? I was certain and did not lose this match.


Ryan ran towards them. He ran hurriedly until he was exhausted. Adeline asked him about what happened.

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere. Sasha, I don't know whether it's true or not. But come with me."

Adeline followed Ryan toward Cosette room. Seeing her messy room with scattered items. Cosette pointed at Adeline and scolded her.

"You must be the one who stolen it."

Jeremy calmed her down then explained what had happened. A diamond belonging to Cosette has been stolen. Cosette explained after speaking with Count Hadel. She walked around for a while before returning to the room. By the time she returned, her room had fallen apart and her precious diamonds disappeared.

"Why do you accuse me of being a thief?"

"You're still asking?! a maid saw you pass my room. Surely you stole it as revenge when with Count Hadel."

Ryan asked Cosette what he meant. She said with tears in her eyes.

"While changing clothes, Miss Sasha threatened me to stay away in the match. She even hit me without pity."

Everyone stared at Adeline in whispers. Jeremy comforted her in his arms. While Cosette smiled wickedly at Adeline.

I can't stand with her. Only one day I met her, apparently she's good at acting. But, I will come out of this useless accusation.

Adeline stared intently at the servant next to Cosette. She touch her hands and give them a cold gaze.

"I'm Sasha is not the culprit behind all this."

End Chapter 16