My Heart

At the Lawrence Mansion. The bad things continued to attend in her feelings. She entered the main door and then saw the messy room.

Several servants ran towards her and then saluted. "Welcome, Miss Adeline. Pardon us for this impolite reception."

"Where's Father?" said Adeline coldly.

"The Duke is in his room. Who is the person that man carrying? Miss Adeline?" The servant said while glancing at her eyes.

"Please guide this person to Mother room. I'm going to meet Father."

Walk quickly towards father room. Several servants were at the door. They told me not to enter because the doctor was inside.

"Let me in!"

I entered the room and saw Father lying weakly on the bed. The doctor immediately stepped away from my face with a face full of sorrow.

I held my father then put my forehead on his hand. My father did not respond at all, until he finally whispered to me. Since then, my father never spoke or opened his eyes again.