Don't You Dare!


"Andreas? Why are you here? How about group B?"

"They're all fine. I am here because I am worried about you."

Just arrived at the destination point. We bumped into Andreas by chance. We should be happy, but the situation is reversed. Enemy vigilance must be increased.

"We'll start everything until the Commander returns here."

"Yes!" The knight answer simultaneously.

Not knowing what would happen, Adeline took her medicine again just in case. Even took an arrow for her second weapon after the sword.

"Be careful all of you!"

Waiting for Erwin and the Crown Prince to arrive will take a long time. What're they using for come here? Magic portal?

"Deputy commander, the enemy has started to reveal itself."

"Really? We'll move now."

Through the forests of the southern mountains. The first snow began to fall covering the ground. This snow season looks like there will be a lot of bloodshed.
