Enjoy The Precious Time

After that shocking day. Erwin stay with the four of them at the Lawrence mansion. Not knowing what was grabbing, Adeline initially refused to let him stay there and asked for an explanation with Cedric.

Unfortunately, Cedric, didn't know whether he was avoiding it or not. He was so busy with his job, that he couldn't find time to see Adeline, even if it was only for a minute. He only sent a small letter that said.

"Enjoy this precious time."

-Cedric De Estefan.

Annoyed, Adeline tore the paper and set it on fire in the fireplace. Once again, she was eager to slap Cedric a fourth time.

"What does he really want?"

"Are you really going to let him stay here?" Ryan asked.

"Ha ... I have no choice, it's just for a moment anyway."

Ryan carried a pile of paper and placed it on Adeline desk. "This is a document that you must sign."

"Why?" Adeline replied lazily.

"Because this is the job of the head family."