Find Her

The four of us agreed to scatter looking for it and neither of us have found any news. I searched southward and it was a long journey. Finally I and the three knights Lawrence beside me arrived at the city of Toryuto.

"Are there any traces of it?"

"Unfortunately not, Prince Erwin."

"Search until you can and let me know as soon as you find anything."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Almost a week we have been looking everywhere. There is not even a trace of it. The person who kidnapped her is very good. We were overwhelmed, but we didn't all give up until she was found.

"Where are you? Adeline?"

Erwin hurriedly rode his horse to reach the city of Toryuto. Once there, the knights talk to the city guards to be granted entry. The guards did not allow it until the three of them gave each other's identities.

"Do it." Erwin said.