Make Her Happy

"Ryan? Edgar? Are you back safely?"

After dinner, Ryan and Edgar were back. Luckily they and the knights weren't hurt at all.

"Forgive us, Miss Adeline. We have let you down." Ryan and Edgar knelt in front of her

"...?..You've done your best. Get some rest, we'll be back at the Lawrence mansion tomorrow morning."

Unfortunately, they came back with no good news. The bad news, Zenista traces as well as his subordinates disappeared without a trace. They had been searching, but could not find a single clue. Now is the time to return to the capital and think of a mature solution.

Returning to the room, Adeline continued to stare at her bedroom window while thinking about something. Someone knocked on the door, she allowed someone to enter. Come Cedric along with Lydia and Erwin.

"Sorry, to trouble you all these nights."

"We don't mind at all." Lydia replied.