Adeline Grandfather

The horse carriage is ready and Adeline is ready to go. Before that, Ryan came to her and said.

"Miss, the work for now will be done as well as possible. You don't need to worry and be careful on the way."

"Thanks, Ryan. I'm leaving first. See you tonight."

Turning around, Erwin stretched out his hand and led me to the horse carriage.

"Are you serious about meeting him? Haven't you seen him in a long time?" Erwin asked.

"I know, but what's wrong with that? Meeting your own family?"

Erwin and I were on our way to another Lawrence mansion on the outskirts of the capital. I haven't been there in years for some reason. He should still be there.

"I also don't know if he will welcome me or not. At least have to try, right?"

"Hm ... that's true."

Heading towards the mansion, Adeline continued to look out the window looking at the people. It was so quiet. Even Erwin was confused about how to start the conversation.