I'm Leaving

Just woke up from sleep. Adeline felt her body ache. She forced herself to wake up because feeling thirsty. Someone helped her and gave her a glass of water.

"Andreas? Why are you here?"

"... No need to think about it. Is there anything you want?"

"No, thank you."

The doctor immediately examined her body and said it was getting better than before. He also said to get plenty of rest and don't get tired. Before the doctor left. He gave a medicine with a predetermined dose.

"You'd better rest. I'll be right back."

"Yes, Andreas."

What happened to me last night? I don't remember anything.

"Ade ... line ..?"

"Cedric? What are you doing here?" Adeline was confused.

Cedric came out of the blue and asked me if he was forgiving or not. Of course, I haven't forgiven all his mistakes. I still don't know part of the reason. Therefore, I want to know more deeply.