Didn't Care Anymore

"What happen to you? Adeline? Don't you want to come in?"

"It's just...It's just...It's that okay if I stay here for one night?"

"Of course. After all, this place is my palace."

Well, you're right. It's just that, in my previous life. I died here by falling from the balcony. People worry about me. In fact, Cedric was there to stop me. I keep remembering the past.

Entering Cedric palace. Adeline face looked pale and she continued to feel nauseous. In front of the main door, they were greeted by several servants.

"We will escort you to the room that has been prepared."

Those servants, is much like the people in my previous life. People looking at me without sympathy or pity. Will they do the same to me, like before?

"Adeline? Are you okay? Your face?"

I suddenly felt sick at all of this. It felt like vomiting.

"I'm sorry. My body is not feeling well without reason."