Adeline Past Life

10 years ago.

At that time, I was 6 years old and played as usual. Playing in the family garden by reading a book on a big tree. That's where I met him, a man with blonde hair with red eyes.


Looking at him with a smile. He sat beside herself and asked.

"What did you read today?"

"The book that Daddy just gave me. Will you read it?"

"Of course." He said.

Cedric said that I remember him as a child because the shock in front of Erwin. So my memory has been wrong. How strange, even though he's a very big, 17 year old. Why don't I remember it at all?

Spend time during the day with him until evening. My mother didn't know this at first. Until she found out by accident. I'm just scared when she found out.

"What are you doing here? Your Highness?"

Her mother was surprised, she even apologized for the disrespectful attitude of her daughter and Cedric talk to her.