That's The Story

Just the two of us in this room. It's so awkward and I have nothing to say. Adeline just sat on the bed and fell silent. My heart is beating fast, what does she want to do?

"Cedric ... You stupid."

She stood up and smiled, her eyes red with tears in her eyes. I headed straight towards her without thinking, then hugged her tightly. Adeline is the same too, she hugged me so tightly.

"You made a big mistake. If you told me in the beginning. You don't have to struggle everything alone. I'm sorry, about what I do for you. I'm just..."

Cedric gave me a soft kiss. Nothing, just a little kiss on the cheek. But I can feel his feelings. He looked at my face, smiled and would explain everything.

I just nodded my head and ready to hear it. It's time to clear this misunderstanding and end it all. You agree, right?

"So I'll start from..."