Is This a Sign?

The next morning, When we want to come back. I woke up exhausted and lay weak on the bed.

"Sorry, I have bothered you."

"It's okay, can you walk?" Erwin ask while touch her forehead

I can't even stand up. For some reason, I suddenly feel so tired. Is it because last night? That is really weird.

"I checked on the owner of the inn earlier. It is time for us to return. Your hand." Erwin stretched out his hand.

Adeline gave her hand and withdrew her hand. He carried her, then flew out through the window. Head to the mansion.

"We don't have to fly..."

"It's okay, this is the fastest way to get there."

We arrive at the main door. At the door were Wires and Andreas, both of us were greeted by him.

"Are you okay? Your face looks pale. Didn't anything happen to you last night?" Said Andreas worried.

"I'm fine...Just a little tired."