It's Not a Playground

When I woke up. I've been in my own room and can't remember what happened. It was morning, the sunlight made me lazy to wake up and decided to go back to sleep.

"5 more minutes, Please." 

But someone suddenly pulled my blanket. Then make me wake up too surprised.

"Time to wake up, Duchess Lawrence." 

The ones who woke me up were the servants. As usual in the morning, they have to prepare me. Moreover, today there is an event.

"I almost forgot about the salon. Is it because yesterday schedule?" 

Actually I'm lazy to go there. It waste of my time and the nobles could only gossip for hours. What a strange hobby. Were all the noblewomen of the capital invited? I see...there will be Cosette at the salon too.


"Miss Adeline, can I come in? It's me."