Duke of Agnito

"Are you nervous? Unusual. Someone like you can... Ouch!"

"Shut up, Edgar Von Lawrence. Is not your problem and stay with the plan."

Edgar chuckled and Twaila pinched his hand.

Just standing here gave me a terrible pain and a cold sweat. This is the first time for me. No, you are a high ranking magician. Surely you can do it.

"Your Grace, the young lady is want you to come inside."

"Yes, please announced us and..."

Twaila seem pretty nervous. Even her hands is shaking. Edgar told her to take a deep breath.

"Okay, I'm ready."

"Please not smile in front of everyone. Just smile when you are in front of the Emperor, the Second Prince, and Miss Adeline."

"Yes...I know that."

It because the practice lesson. The aristocrats world is so weird to me. No wonder the commoners feel disgusted with the noble life. I'm a commoners too. I know what they feeling. Cedric must know this too.