Accusation from the Devil's

"So...what are you going to do with Cosette? You should choose one of them."

"I've been thinking about it and gonna make a decision soon a possible."

Adeline hold of his shoulder.

"Good luck."

It's already one night since Cedric to be here. He was forced to return for some duty. We already talked until misunderstood ended and the relationship between us is getting closer. Fortunately, because of that, no more awkwardness.

That night, when Cedric wanted back with horse carriage. I ordered Twaila to be his bodyguard him. But Andreas refused because Twaila have an important role beside me. In the end, Andreas who is to be his bodyguard for a while.

Waiting until the election of candidates begins. I have a lot of time before that and completing my tasks as a Duchess along with Wires also Twaila.