I'll Defend You

○○○○○○○6 Weeks into the year○○○○○○○

Your POV

Pansy shoves past me. "Loser". I stumbled trying not to drop the book Neville gave me to read on magical plants. I huff.

I saw Neville and the trio walking to the Quidditch field. I ran down and did a flip over them. I bow.

"Loser at your service" I said grinning.

"Bloody hell, where did you come from?" Ron said holding his hand on his chest.

"I'll have to tell you that later, we have innocent members in this group" I said.

Harry and Hermione laughed and Ron rolled his eyes. Neville looked confused.

"I don't understand" He said softly.

"That's because you are the innocent one in the group" I said patting his shoulder. He frowned looking down.

"That's just one of the things I like about you" I said. A small smile crept it's way on Neville's face.

"You're not a loser by the way" Harry said.

"Tell that to Pansy" I giggled and linked arms with Neville.

"Oh and here's your book, Nev" I handed him the book grinning.

"Oh that was quick. Did you like it?" he asked blushing at the nickname.

"I loved it, the concepts and theories with the Mandrakes are brilliant. Oh and do you really think that Mimbulus Mimbletonia can cure the effects of the Cruciatus curse. I know it hasn't been proven yet but it could work. And you know more about the plant than anyone, so who better to create the cure." I said really enthusiastically.

"Guys enough with the Herbology talk we have no idea what your saying." Ron said rubbing his eyes.

"And Neville don't give her anymore books I swear she doesn't sleep, all she does is read" Hermione said.

Neville's POV

She's so cute when she's happy.

"Don't listen to her Nev she's lying, I definitely sleep" Y/n said batting her eyelashes.

"Really, how much sleep did you have last night?" Hermione asked raising an eyebrow playfully.

"Now is the answer to that question compulsory?" Y/n asked. The group laughed.

"Neville I think you've created a monster" Harry said. I laughed and squeezed her hand.

"Don't worry Y/n you can borrow as many Herbology books as you want as long as you get some sleep" I said smiling down at her. She nods.

"Deal" She said as we got to the field.

Y/n was taught how to summon her broom, it took her a little to get the broom to listen to her which made sense since that's how just about everyone started off. She was taught about Quidditch and how Harry was the seeker for Gryffindor also about all the players.

Your POV

I was told to lift off hover and land safely. I nodded and push off the ground and my broom started hovering over the green grass. The trio smiled and clapped. I went to land but the broom wouldn't move. I tried again but the broom went flying up 20 feet in the air. The broom started to rapidly move from side to side before rolling. I almost fell but grabbed hold of the broom with one hand then my other trying to pull myself up but the broom dropped a few feet before repeating the same side to side movement. I used my gymnastics training from bars to get back onto the broom. Soon as I got back on it, it flew towards the side of the castle before nose diving and rolling.

I fell and Hermione cast a spell to float me safely to the ground. The group came over to see if I was okay. The teacher left with the broom after seeing if I was okay, saying something about getting it checked for hexing.

"Are you alright?" Hermione asked.

"I'm fine, thanks for that Hermione." I said hugging her. She hugged me back.

"No offense Harry but if that's what Quidditch is like then I'm going to have to pass" I said fixing my uniform.

Neville's POV

I was so glad she was okay none of us wanted a repeat of my first flying lesson.

"Well well well, you stayed on longer than I thought you would, maybe I should choose a better spell next time." Pansy said crossing her arms.

"Why won't you leave her alone" I said.

"Awww Y/n, your little boyfriend is defending you. Too bad he's a loser too, of course he would go for you, you know because you're trash. No normal person would date a girl that dresses like that and is in other words a freak." Pansy laughed.

"Sorry I decided to wear the boys uniform because I was sick of Draco trying to look up my skirt" Y/n growled.

"Yeah well...He only does that because he's bored and knows you're easy."

"At least I'm not helplessly desperate for Draco's attention. You know what, you're not even worth it" Y/n said and turned away.

"I mean who would date Neville he's a fat, ugly squib. Aww what are you going to cry Longbottom?" Pansy said smirking. Something in Y/n's face changed.

"Oh that fucking does it" Y/n yelled and crash tackled Pansy punching her in the face multiple times.

"What the hell. Get this freak off me" Pansy screamed.

Harry and I pull Y/n off Pansy and her friends do the same with her. Draco just smirks.

"Its lovely to see you fighting over me girls but Pansy is right. Freaks date trash. Isn't that right Longbottom." He said. Y/n struggles to get free.

"Shut your mouth, Neville is more of a man than you'll ever be." Y/n growled.

Harry and I carry Y/n away so she would calm down. Why would she defend me.

Your POV

Harry and Neville put me down when we were far enough away.

"Stupid preppy asshole, stupid bitch" I grumbled pacing back and forth.

"Hey Y/n its okay" Neville said softly.

"No it's not, like hell I'm going to let them talk about you like that" I said and kicked the dirt. Neville pulled me into his arms.

"Thanks" He said softly.

"Nothing they said about you is true. You're perfect and amazing Nev" I said and kissed his cheek. He blushed and held me close.

"I hope I broke her nose, she deserved it" I mumbled.

Neville's POV

I looked at Ron and Hermione they both were making weird faces and gestures. I tilted my head and Ron pointed at me and kissed Hermione's forehead and pointed at Y/n. I pointed at myself then Y/n. They both nod and I blushed bright red. Please don't hate me for this. I hesitantly leaned down and kissed her forehead. She hummed and snuggled closer to me. Harry flung his arms in the air victoriously.

"Hey Nev, do you maybe want to go to the Black Lake and read Herbology books with me?" She asked looking up at me with her beautiful sparkling eyes.

"I would love to. How about tomorrow?" I said happily. She smiled and nodded. I can't believe it Y/n wants to hang out with me and read about Herbology.