Dream Walking

Your POV

I sat watching the Blue Moon I couldn't sleep, my body felt weird like I was drawn to something but I had no clue what. I look up from my spot at the window and saw a hand sliding back behind the door.

"Hello?" I said getting up and walking over slowly. I looked down the stairwell and once again only got a glimpse of the mysterious figure. I quickly made my way down following this person.

Before I knew what I was doing I found myself outside the castle, I kept following them until I got to the edge of the forbidden forest.

"See you soon" The person said before they apparated. I was so confused.

"Y/N STOP" I heard my boyfriend yell.

"Neville?" I mumbled and then woke up. I was on the edge of a cliff, the rocks crumbling beneath my feet. I gasped.

"Y/N DO NOT MOVE" Hermione yelled, my friends moved as close as they could.

"Ya think" I squeaked looking down at the twenty meter drop. I felt a few new cracks form under the balls of my feet.

I closed my eyes.

"You're going to be okay, I won't let you fall" I heard Neville's voice getting closer, I tried to focus on him.

"You don't sound so sure" I said letting out a small breathy laugh.

"I promise I won't let you fall, do you trust me?" Neville asked. I nodded opening my eyes. The rocks dropped from beneath me. I screamed. Neville dived and caught hold of my wrist, Harry helped Neville pull me up. I clung to Neville tightly, I felt him bury his face in my neck sighing in relief. We went back to the boys dormitory since it was only 1am. I had a few cuts on my legs and stomach, curtisy of wearing shorts and a sports bra but Neville quickly gave me one of his shirts to cover up.

"Nev your arm-" I held his arm gently.

"I'm okay it's just a scratch" He insisted.

I kissed the cut softly, healing it. He blushed.

Neville's POV

I held her hands gently.

"I told you I wouldn't let you fall" I looked into her beautiful eyes.

"You're my knight in shining armour" She smiled. I looked away shyly.

"Y-You remember that?" I was slightly embarrassed. She cupped my cheek.

"Yes" She moved to cuddle into me.

"Y/n What were you doing?" Ron asked.

"I think I was dream walking again but..." She paused.

"But what?" Harry prodded.

"I don't remember falling asleep" She finished.

"What does that mean?" Ron asked confused by what she said.

"I mean I couldn't sleep, so I sat near the window and watched the moon. I saw someone at the door and followed them out-" She tired to explain.

"So you decided to follow some stranger off a cliff" Ron said.

"No it wasn't like that I... what I was seeing was different to what was actually happening. When I was in that state I stopped walking at the forbidden forest, it was only when Nev yelled for me to stop I woke up on the edge of the cliff" She exclaimed. I subconsciously wrapped my arms around her tighter.

"Was it Voldermort?" Harry questioned. She shrugged.

"I don't know" She mumbled.

"Maybe you should talk to Dumbledore in the morning" I suggested.

"No. I-I can handle my own problems" She stammered.

"But you almost-" I tried again.

"I know Nev, I know. It's just I can do stuff for myself, I'm not completely incapable" She added. I just nodded but my heart ached at the thought of her getting hurt.

The room fell silent.

"How will you be able to handle this yourself if you can't tell whether you are dream walking or not?" I pointed out. She gasped.

"You are a guinesis" She said and kissed my forehead, jumped out of my arms and ran out the door.

"See ya's at breakfast" She said as she left.

"What did I say?" I asked looking at the boys. They looked as confused as me.

"No idea mate" Ron said laying back down.

In the morning we didn't see Y/n until Defense against the dark arts class. I was really worried about her soon as saw her walking up the stairs to class I pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

"Nev, I can't breathe" She gasps as I let go.

"Sorry, did I hurt you?" I asked.

Your POV

I saw his face change to panic.

"No of course not, you could never hurt me" I assured him cupping his cheek.

"Where did you run off to last night, I was worried, I didn't see you this morning" He frowned. I walked up the stairs with him.

"I'm okay, it was just that you gave me an idea so I spent time working on it." I told him. I slipped my hand into his. I really liked being close to him, I know he gets nervous with PDA and I want him to be comfortable in our relationship.

"What was it?" He pressed.

"I need to figure out how to know whether I'm dream walking or not and the only way to do that is to work out what the difference between the two is. So far, based on my research I need to focus on a few things. One smell, two sense of time, three my control of the situation and four count my fingers" I explained as we walked into the room and sat next to each other.

"But wait, that means you have to wait until the next time for you to test it out" Neville looked me in the eye. I nod.

"Yeah, it's not ideal but it's all I have to go off" I informed him.

"But it will work and I'll be fine I promise" I added. Neville sighed and nodded as Moody entered the classroom abruptly.