Triwizard Cup

Your POV

I held my hands out to Dumbledore for him to block my powers for the task. I neglected to mention I wasn't able to use them anyway. After he finished the spell he gave me an unusual look, like he just realized something. I quickly made my way down to the field, I saw Hermione reading a huge book while we waited to start. I was wearing tight black leggings and a long sleeved Gryffindor shirt. I stood next to Harry, I looked up into the stands and as usual Neville was snogging Hannah, she stopped for a minute and gave Neville a sip of water out of that stupid pink bottle that she's always carrying with her although I've never seen her drink from it. I sighed looking away.

"Hey, I know you're hurting but he's not himself something is wrong. He would never break up with you, he really liked you" Harry said. I shift uncomfortably.

"I'm fine and you said it, liked, past tense." I replied as we were explained the rules. At this point I instantly knew I was fucked, there was no way I was going get out alive let alone win. Soon the cannon went off and I started walking into the maze, at first things were going quite smoothly until I was cut off by the shrubbery closing off, I ran the other way as fast as my feet could take me, slipping down another section until suddenly it stopped. I kept walking having no clue where I was going.

As I turned another corner Krum ran into me knocking me off my feet but he kept running, I was going to stand up but I was pulled back down by strong vines wrapping tightly around my legs. I panicked trying to use my wand but noting happened, I attempted pulling them off, while this was proved a struggle the vines moved their way to my arms and chest. I thrashed struggling to get loose, soon I was slowly being strangled. I felt myself drifting out of consciousness as I gave up entirely on getting free. I lay there for a second when I heard a voice yell something. I could breathe, I gasped and coughed, my lungs desperate for the oxygen it was restricted from. Cedric helped sit me up holding me close.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded slowly as my vision cleared up from it's once fuzzy appearance.

"We should stick together it would be safer. Can you walk?" He asked.

"Thank you" Was all could say to him as I stood up, accidentally leaning on him to stay upright. He helped me along.

"Cedric I'm just going to hold you back." I started but Harry ran stopping just in front of us. He told us that Fleur was out. I hope she was okay. Once again vines started trying to tangle themselves around us.

"Run!" Harry said. We bolted away from the danger, Cedric tripped over. I tried using a spell but it was useless so I dived on the ground attempting to pull the vines off him enough to get free.

"Harry help!" I shouted at him, he looked for a second before helping.

Cedric was as okay as you could be in this game. We waited wanting to gather our thoughts.

"Some game" Cedric said. Harry nods

"Some game" Harry replied.

"Guys! The cup" I pointed, suddenly the shrubbery started closing off again. We all ran towards the cup, I stood before it not touching it. None of us did anything.

"Take it" Cedric told Harry.

"It's yours" Harry replied.

"One of you hurry up and take it, we're running out of time" I said panicked as the shrubs got closer.

"Together" Harry suddenly decided taking my hand knowing I wouldn't touch it unless he made me. He counted and pulled my hand to the cup.

We dropped hitting the ground with three thuds. I opened my eyes to see Harry was on top of me. He got up helping me to my feet.

"It's a portkey" Cedric said. Harry's eyebrows furrowed and he explored.

"This isn't right" He said.

"Maybe it's part of the task, more than one person touched the cup" I said trying to find some logic in this. Harry shook his head looking at a gravestone.

"I don't think so. We should leave now" He said suddenly panicked. I looked over to Cedric when I was flung into the air hitting a statue then the ground. I laid there, my head pounding as fresh blood gushed from my temple.

I heard Harry yell Cedric's name before a bright green light flashed. I heard Harry was now just above me trapped.

"Y/N" I Harry yelled but it was muffled. I could barely make out the man walking right up to Harry with a knife. I struggled reaching out grabbing his ankle attempting to dig my nails into him.

"S-Stop" I uttered out. He looked down at me, I felt the full force of something coming in contact with my cheek.

"HEY!" Harry yelled angrily. I could taste iron. Harry groaned as the knife peirced his skin. The Death Eater walked over to a cauldron then back to me, as he got closer I remembered who he was. He grabbed my arm.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Harry yelled again.

"Blood from the undecided" Peter said as he pulled back my sleeve, pausing looking at my arm he smirks.

"This won't hurt a bit, will it?" He said shoving the knife into my arm where the mark use to be.

Soon the Dark Lord himself stood before us. It wasn't until Harry made a sound that Voldemort remembered our presence. I started to stand up, I needed to do something. Peter grabbed me holding my arms back. Voldemort was talking to Harry. I turned my head.

"You were their friend, why? Why did you betray them?" I said angrily.

"Erhhhh SHUT UP" He screamed throwing me. I was on my knees.

"James, Remus, Sirius. They were your friends, you betrayed them." I said again.

"Someone shut her up" a Death Eater growled. Lucius stepped forward.

I don't remember the rest, when I came too I saw Harry duelling with Voldemort. I crawled over to Cedric. If I wasn't so useless I could have saved him, he wouldn't be dead. I cried. It happened so quickly Harry jumped over to us.

"Accio cup" He said and we were back in the field. Harry and I both held Cedric crying. Dumbledore realized something wasn't right and took action.

Harry told Dumbledore that Voldemort was back. Professor Moody took Harry away and I was taken to the hospital wing by Fred and George. I convinced them that the blood on my arm wasn't mine so my secret would be safe.