Dorm Skating

Your POV

I went up to my dorm with Fred and George following behind me, I reached under my bed and got my skateboard pulling it out. I looked back at the pranksters and saw them smiling.

"So what do you want to do with it?"

"It's a surprise" They both said, George covered my eyes as I heard Fred say a few spells that I wasn't familiar with. Soon George uncovered my eyes, but I didn't see anything. I was about to ask when they chuckled and opened the door. There was a ramp where the stairs use to be and it lead all the way down to the common room.

"This is guinesis" I said.

Fred took his robe off so it wouldn't get caught in the wheels and sat on it.

"George stand lookout so I don't hit anyone" He said and George ran down yelling that it was all clear. Fred put his feet up and picked up speed as he rolled down the ramp, I ran after him. Next it was George's turn. He went up and we gave him the all clear. He came flying down into the common room. Fred jumped over him just in time. We all laughed.

"Hey, we made you smile" George poked my cheek making me smile wider.

"My turn, but I'm going to stand" I took the skateboard to the top and waited for the all clear.

Fred's POV

Just as we were about to yell out to Y/n Neville walked in and came over to us asking if we found Y/n and if she was alright. George started talking to him. I noticed he was standing in front of the ramp. I smiled and nudged George gesturing to wear Neville was standing, he gave me a nod.

"All clear" I shouted to Y/n. Neville looked at us confused.

Your POV

I skated down the ramp and as I got to the bottom I saw someone in the way and quickly flicked my board back but still crashed into the person. I closed my eyes as we hit the ground with a thud. I heard the person I was on top of grunt as his strong hands held my waist. I looked up to see I landed on Neville. How does he keep getting more attractive every year...stop with these thoughts.

"H-Hey Y/n" He stuttered.

"Hey, sorry about this" I mumbled softly and tried to get up but he was still holding my waist.

"Um Neville... I can't get up with you holding me" I said. He blushed bright red.

"Oh r-right" He said and gently let go.

I stood up and held out my hand to help him up. Neville looked down.

"Uh...can we talk?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck. I looked up at the nervous boy and nod.

"Sure" I said. We went up to his dorm leaving the two redheads with the skateboard. I sat down on Neville's bed as I watched him pace in front of me. Something was upsetting him but he wasn't handling it well. I pat the spot beside me to get him to sit down, he hesitantly sat next to me. He wouldn't look at me, he was wringing his hands.

"I-I..." He stopped. I slowly took his hands in mine.

"Take your time" I said. He nods.

"Why did you talk back to Umbridge, she was already giving you detention why did you have to make her more angry?" He asked.

"She was going to hurt you if I didn't, you didn't answer her. This whole thing is a game to her and you weren't playing. Do you really expect me to sit back and let her punish you for no reason?" I asked in an are you serious tone.

"YES! If it means you don't get hurt because of me." Neville said firmly.

I frowned.

"What is that suppose to mean? None of the things that happen to me are your fault" I exclaimed. He didn't believe me.

Neville's POV

"All of it was my fault, the Quidditch world cup, at the Black Lake both times, the tournament, Umbridge, most things that happen with Draco or Pansy and not stopping you when you went home." I was spilling everything that I  blamed myself for so fast Y/n couldn't keep up. I was trying to hold back tears that were threatening to spill.

"I-I'm sorry" My voice cracked. Y/n pulled me into a hug.

"Neville please stop blaming yourself for my mistakes and decisions because I don't blame you one bit" Y/n said holding my shoulders and running her fingers through my hair as I hid my face in the crook of her neck.

"You should" I mumbled as more tears dripped onto her soft skin. She just held me.

"But I don't, why do you care so much about this?" She asked me. I couldn't answer her truthfully it would just make things even more awkward between us.

"It's just something that worries me" I lied. It's because I still like you, I still care.

"Something that worries you. I know you Neville and while that maybe true it's only half the truth. I'm not going to force you to tell me, just know that you can and I'm always here" She added giving me a light squeeze. I held onto her tighter.

"C-Can we..." My voice cracked again.

"Shhh, take your time Neville" She played with my hair to calm me. I miss this. I miss her.

Your POV

"Can we just, stay like this?" He asked softly.

"Of course, whatever you need" I said and continued to run my fingers through his hair. Soon he pulled away.

"Sorry for doing this" He mumbled. I wiped his tear stained cheeks.

"Don't be sorry, I'm glad you talked to me about this. I'm sorry I brushed you off when you tried to talk to me this morning. I don't want you to be upset about something you can't control. I'm always here for you. If you feel like this again please talk about it, it's not good to bottle it up" I told him. I would know. He nodded.

"Thanks" He said. There was a small pause between us. Neville suddenly pushed the hair that covered my left eye out of the way. He looked concerned.

"Was this from the Death Eaters?" He asked about the scar under my eye. I shrugged.

"Harry told me Peter Pettigrew and Lucius Malfoy really did a number on you" He said gently tracing the scar.

"I don't really remember what Malfoy did...I blacked out" I told him. Maybe I should ask Harry about what happened.