First D.A. Lesson

Your POV

I was really excited to be learning more magic after not being able to learn it practically for a while. I hated only learning magic in theory, especially with the crazy cat lady doing the so called teaching. Harry wanted us to start with the disarming charm. Expelliarmus. He had it set that we were disarming a large metal figure holding a wand. Neville was up first which I could tell he was rather nervous about.

Neville tried his best with the disarming charm but wasn't able to cast it yet.

"I'm hopeless" Neville mumbled.

"No it's okay, you're just flourishing your wand too much. Try it like this." Harry reassured him before casting the disarming spell.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry said.

We all watched as the wand flew out of the figures hand. Harry smiled and let us continue.

Zacharias Smith scoffed at Harry. We all turned to him wondering his problem.

"How is this charm going to be effective against the dark magic we are apparently going to be up against." He questioned looking smug. I rolled my eyes at the moron.

"I'm glad you asked as this was the charm that saved me from Voldemort himself in Little Hangleton Graveyard, so I'd say that the charms effectiveness was quite high in that situation. Wouldn't you?" Harry explained. I caught Hermione smirking at Harry's response.

After that Zacharias shut up and we continued the lesson. A lot of the students showed promise with these lessons and Harry proved himself quite the leader, something he didn't believe he was.

Harry's POV

It has been a few weeks and we've had so many lessons. Everyone are doing great in the D.A. they seem to enjoy being able to practice magic again even if a student is the one doing the teaching. Hermione is brilliant with spells as usual, Ron is working well and has most things down pat, the twins are working hard to ensure they are better than Ron, Neville is trying very hard and it is starting to pay off as his wand responds to him better than it did, Y/n is showing more focus and can control her powers very well. It would be interesting to see if she could multitask her powers with her wand. Everyone else are doing good.

I watch with the other students as another plaque is nailed to the wall.

"All student organisations are to be approved by the inquisitor before commencement" Hermione read out scoffing. Ron was worried that Umbridge would find out about the D.A. as we were informing everyone of the lessons verbally and could get caught if we weren't more careful. Hermione and I agreed that it wasn't the most secure way to inform them but there wasn't anything else we could do, or so I thought.

Hermione was in the library most of the day which Ron and I had assumed was for study, but we soon found out that we were quite wrong as she burst through the common room excited about her research.

"Harry! Ron! I found something" She exclaimed. We jumped up from our seat to find out what she was on about.

"The D.A. don't have to be told by us when the next lesson is" She breathed.

"Well how are they supposed to know when to show up?" Ron asked.

"I'm getting there Ronald" She said firmly. We both kept quiet and let the girl speak.

"The next D.A. lesson is tomorrow, when everyone is present we give them an enchanted coin. The coin will display the time and date of the next lesson to members only, to anyone that could be peaking it will just look like a regular coin." She said happily.

We smiled.

"You're brilliant Hermione, but how will they know when to check the coin. It would be a bit suspicious having them pull out the coin every five minutes." I added. She smirked.

"Already had that covered, members shall look at the coin once a day in the morning before they leave the common room. We shall always put the date up in the morning and if they forget which some might it will still show when they look any other time but it's just easy if they look in the morning and not see anything they will know not to look again until tomorrow." She had a bright smile of satisfaction on her face. That was the plan and it was the best thing for the D.A. to remain a secret.

Your POV

I couldn't wait until the lesson tomorrow, it seemed to be one of the only things that made me happy these days. I could use my powers and have a lot of support for my progress. I tried my best to use both my wand and my powers but it did get overwhelming sometimes. Fred and George were supporting me a lot which I was greatly thankful for and I kept encouraging them with there progress even though they were quite good at using there wands. I guess that's from some of their pranks. But the person I was most proud of was Neville, he was improving so much and I could tell Harry was impressed with him.

I made my way back to the common room and bumped into Neville after not watching where I was going completely. I noticed that while doing lessons in The Room of Requirement he would often times put me near Neville or with him for practice. I was really grateful for that, although I won't admit it to anyone. I liked being near him again. I just wish we could go back to the way we were with each other. Neville smiled softly at me.

"Hey Nev, you are doing great in D.A. I love how passionate you are about practicing harder. Your hard work is really showing. You are quite good with your wand. I assume your bond is stronger now and you have more trust in it and yourself." I said softly. He deserved more credit. Neville smiled and looked down.

"You really think so? Thanks Y/n that means a lot. I am really trying my hardest I want to be better. I do trust myself using my wand now and I hope I can learn harder spells soon." He spoke. He had a slight blush on his cheeks. I wondered why that was. I shook the thought off and walked into the common room with Neville where we chatted some more.