A Flick of His Little Finger

Her long eyelashes trembled as consciousness slowly returned to her badly injured body. She first felt the upper part of her body then she squeezed her toes and eventually began feeling the muscles in the lower part of her body, the middle of her stomach that had the deepest wound was very heavy, so heavy that she could barely feel it.

Soon enough, she succeeded in opening her jade-green lovely eyes but still her vision was blurry. Though, she couldn't see anything clearly but there was one thing she knew for sure. She was in unfamiliar surroundings.

Is this what hell looks like? It's quite different from the stories they told us. By the way, why am I still feeling pain when I am dead already? She thought.

"What in the Moon were you thinking when you brought her here?" she heard a very angry voice coming from somewhere in the room and her head throbbed from the sound.

She turned her head very slowly to the right, trying to locate a face to the voice and her eyes landed on not just one person but two. One of them had blonde hair with vivid green eyes and he seemed to be very upset with the other guy.

Is that the devil? He kinda looks too handsome for a cruel being. Who is the person he is talking to? Is that one of his little demons or what? Her head was buzzing with thoughts but her tongue was too heavy to spill it out.

The other guy's face wasn't in her view but from his back, he was very broad and muscled. He had black raven hair that looked messy from where she lay. Something tugged in her heart at the familiarity of his presence.

"I don't kill without a reason. She was injured, unable to return back from where she came from, so I brought her to heal before she goes back" the other guy's resonating voice seemed to sooth the dull ache in her head.

"Why do you care if she was injured or dead. Don't you care about the welfare of the pack?" the blondie spat in anger.

"I care about the welfare of my pack more than anyone so don't you dare lecture me" the other guy yelled.

"Then get rid of her" The blondie pointed at her direction and she assumed they were discussing about her. Tashina's nose twitched as she tried to figure out which beings they were, she is certain that they weren't vampires.

"I...I can't" the hesitant voice of the other guy shocked her as her entire body shaked.

"W-what do you mean?" the blondie startled.

"Get out of here, Ren. Go take care of the Pack's needs, I will be back in a little while"

"This is not the alpha I know. Get your head back together" The blondie shook his head in disappointment before he left the room.

The last thing Tashina saw before she blacked out again was when the other guy turned around but however she didn't get a glimpse of his face.

The alpha looked at the sleeping figure and sighed. His cousin Ren came, barging in the tower and when he saw the sleeping vampire on the bed, he was shocked, bewildered, angry and disappointed.

Xavier understood his cousin's concern but still no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't bring himself to take the life of this fallen angel.

It was insanity, to be honest. For a werewolf, not to talk of an alpha, to be scared of taking the life of their arch enemy, a vampire.

He went and sat at a corner of the bed and began to stroke her soft red locks. This was what he did all night long, staring at her beauty and stroking her hair. It was like an addiction now.

"Who are you? Where did you come from? And why does my heart beat for you?" he murmured as the feeling to see her beautiful green eyes resurfaced.


When Tashina opened her eyes again, it was nighttime. The only light illuminating and warming up the huge room was from the fireplace nearby. She began to lift up her body and sat straight.

The princess rest her head on the headboard as she looked down her body. She reeked of medicinal herbs and her body was covered in bandages. The only cloth she wore was a huge black T-shirt which undoubtedly was two extra size larger than her.

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, she was certain she never owned such a shirt nor did she remember changing into it, so who could have changed her clothes?

Tashina slowly brought her leg from under the blanket and onto the cold, wooded floor. When she suddenly felt another presence in the room, she turned her head sharply to the right and her eyes met the exact same shade of blue orbs she saw in the mountain.

His face and body was hidden behind the shadow. The chair he was seated was at the far end of the room where there was no light but stil,l his terrifyingly, enticing blue eyes was vivid in the dark.

"You're awake?" his startled statement came out more like a question.

She ignored the way her body tingled just by hearing his voice and stood up while clutching her stomach.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

"I would advise you lay back down. Your body isn't yet healed" his concerned voice fell deaf on her ears.

"That's none of your business. I asked you a question, give me an answer" she spat, shakily.

"Well, technically, you asked me two questions" he said as a matter of fact.

"I said give me an answer!" she yelled and staggered when an uninvited pain shot through her skull.

"I will give an answer. Why don't you rest first?" he stood up, slowly, trying as much as possible not to aggravate her tension.

She moved with shaking legs to the bedside table, took the lamp and removed the head. She held the stand with shaking arms and pointed it towards him.

"Speak or I make you" her fierce voice masked any weakness on her body.

The laughter that followed right after was mocking yet very appealing to her sensitive ears. His barefoot moved slowly towards her, like a predator before he caught his prey.

"Do you realize the state you are in? If you were to fight with me now, I would knock you down with a flick of my little finger" His mocking voice enraged her soul.

"Stay where you are" she warned.

"Come on, I will give you a chance to fight when you are much better. Put the stand down and lie back"

"I don't need any of your orders. If you plan on harming me, I promise I will kill you"

"If I intended on harming you. Why would I have brought you all the way here? Trust me, you're safe with me" he moved closer as he tried to calm her down.

Her dark, pained, maniac chuckle struck something deep in his heart.

"Trust? Trust what? Trust who? When the mother that raised me for almost a century didn't think twice before killing me, give me one reason to trust a stranger who I know nothing about" she scoffed, her face boring a twisted. pained expression.

"Fucked up family history, huh" he murmured.

"Look, if you don't want to trust the one that saved your dying self from that freezing mountain and the one who nursed you back to health a whole night long and the one that brought you food to nourish your growling stomach, fine. Don't. But I urge you to put that thing down before your health gets even worse"

"Y-you still haven't answered my question. You are a werewolf, I figured that much out so why are you keeping me here, taking care of me and nursing me back to health? You must have an agenda"

"So what if I do have an agenda?" he asked.

"I will kill you" she said without hesitation.

"You? Kill? Me? I beg to differ, princess" he smirked.

"How sure are you about that?" she questioned before she threw the stand at him which he caught with ease before it could even scratch his face.

She used that moment of distraction and moved forward to punch him in the face when he caught her wrist effortlessly. And when she brought her other hand, he also caught it. Having no more hands to throw punches, she was about to use her head to collide with his.

But he brought his lips out and left a chaste smooch on her forehead. Her eyes went larger as her forehead tingled with electricity.

"You bastardized bafooned son of a dog" she cursed and brought her knee up to hit his nuts but again he was once more faster than her. He gathered both her hands in one of his hands and used the other hand to take her knee and wrapped his leg around her trembling legs.

"How does my body feel against yours?" he asked, huskily and moved closer to stare at her confused and outraged eyes.

"Despicable" she hissed before she freed her hands from his to land several punches on his stomach, chest and arm. The alpha stood still as he watched her cute little fists colliding with his hard, muscled body.

"arghhh!!" she exclaimed because of his little reactions to her attacks.

He flicked her in her forehead and that was enough to make her fall backwards and towards the ground before he wrapped his arms around her waist and caught her.

"Look at you. Your silly tantrum has reopened your wounds" he pointed at her now bleeding stomach, side abdomen and thigh.

She let him carry her back to the bed because the last strength she had had already been wasted from the stupid fight. He dressed her wounds neatly and she kept staring at him in wonder.

Who was he?

Why is he doing this?

And why did her body tingle from his touch?

Xavier stood up and went to the table at the corner of the room. He took the bowl of soup and returned to her side.

"Now, you are going to drink this soup without a single complaint and go back to bed" he ordered and began to stir the bowl of soup with a spoon.

When Xavier went down to the castle this afternoon, he took a bowl of soup from the kitchen in case his angel has woken up and would be hungry. He was thankful his guess was right.

He brought the spoonful of soup towards her mouth but she shut it close. He heaved out a frustrating sigh and dropped the spoon inside the bowl.

"Drink the soup or I give you another flick on that stubborn little head of yours" he threatened and brought the spoon once again to her lips.

Tashina had no other choice but to oblige because the flick he had gave before was too severe for her health and also because her stomach was dying to eat.

The alpha smiled when she opened her mouth to drink the soup.

"There, that's a good girl" he cooed as he fed her the entire soup which she drank without a sound.

"Now, lay back down and go to sleep"

He helped her back into the blanket and cover up her body from the cold and began to stroke her hair per usual.

"What's your name, my little spark?" he whispered.

"Ta...." was the only thing she said before the sleep took her away.

He smiled and pressed another kiss on her forehead before climbing in the bed carefully to not wake her up.

His eyes slowly closed as he stared at the beautiful princess. The last thing he remembered was the way his heart soften a little when he saw her sleep so peacefully.

Slowly but gradually, the alpha's hardening heart was beginning to soften.