The Master Of Flamboyancy And Extravagance

He stood at a striking height of six feet and five inches, proudly rocked a dark chocolate shade of locks matched with light brown eyes which turned into a dark shade of red when his fangs appeared.

He was always dressed to the supreme extravagance and luxury, he could buy anything deemed saleable by society with just a snap of his fingers. Naive Vampiress fall at his feet just for a glance towards their direction yet the one Vampiress he desires doesn't bother to lift even an eyelash for him.

"Young Master Kelv has arrived, your Majesty" The voice announced behind the royal chamber's doors.

The Master burst through the doors even before the Queen could permit him to enter, he had no chance to spare a minute nor even a second after he heard a rumour which he prayed to be false.

"Greetings your Majesty, I heard of a rumour upon my arrival to the kingdom after my trip and rushed immediately to confirm it" he bowed his head in respect to the Queen and his supposed future mother in law.

"Welcome back, dear Kelv. How was your trip to the East?" the Queen asked in boredom. She could care less about his trip.

"It was splendid, your Majesty"

"What's the rumour you want to confirm?"

"I.. heard t-that Ta-Tashina is dead. How true is that?" his wavering voice filled the air.

"It is as you heard, Tashina is gone" the Queen delivered a heavy news with such a light attitude that it raised a few eyebrows her way.

Master Kelv couldn't say a word after what she said, his family informed him about it but he denied it aggressively, not wanting to believe any of the silly things his sister spewed out her childish mouth.

His heart deeply ached for the princess. Although she never really showed any sign of interest towards him, he always tried to cook up ways to pique her attention yet failed miserably.

He knew he wouldn't be able to find another true love as her, with the tears threatening to spill from his eyes, he composed himself and sat on a chair to calm himself down.

"How..." he cleared his cracked throat so he could speak clearly.

"How did that happen?" he asked in a pained tone.

"She went on a foolish mission to get the head of the greatest alpha in exchange for the kingdom but died before she could even get a whiff of him" the Queen shaked her head in shame.

"Who brought up the mission?" his suspicious eyes fell heavily on the Queen.

"I wanted to scare her away from ruling without a spouse so I brought the ridiculous mission so she could back down but my daughter, so bravely accepted and didn't listen to any discouragement from her brother"

"And you sat there, watching her?" he questioned.

"May I know what you are trying to imply, Master Kelv?" Queen Sania raised her perfect brows at the young Vampire.

"Nothing your Majesty. Absolutely nothing, just know I wouldn't stop until I find who did this and when I do, I won't hesitate to drink every drop of blood on his body" his glare bore through the Queen's gaze and the tension in the room increased.

The silent challenge between the young Vampire and Queen Sania was starting to bring out chills from the nearby guards and they could do nothing but watch.

The young Master dropped his gaze, not wanting to offend the Queen of the land and she smirked in victory. The thrill of power flowing through her devilish veins.

"Master Kelv, it's really a pity that your fiancee died before you could be wedded. I will endeavor to find someone else for you, rest assured" the Queen promised.

"Your Majesty, some soldiers have arrived to talk you" the voice announced and Queen Sania raised her eyebrows in confusion.

"Let them in" she answered and the soldiers came stumbling into the royal chamber with a deep bow.

"What are you doing here?! I sent you to bring back Prince Lane so where is he?!" the Queen yelled.

"Apologies, your Majesty. The Prince caught us and threatened we return to the kingdom, he even inflicted wounds on us as a warning" the leader of the trio said.

The Queen found the nearest object to throw at the useless vampires and they didn't dare dodge the objects being thrown at them. The blood dripped from their heads and they stood looking down, disappointed at themselves for failing their Queen.

"Get out! I said get out and don't you ever let me see your stupid faces again!!!" she screamed and they ran out of the room.

"Those stupid good for nothing soldiers! One mission, they couldn't accomplish!!" she bellowed.

"Where is Prince Lane?" Master Kelv asked, after the Queen calmed down a bit.

"I don't know the type of children I have, one was a foolish girl that went on a journey that ended her life and the other went to the same place to find his dead sister!" Master Kelv wondered if she answered his question or she was just talking to herself but either way, he got his answer.

"I will be on way home now, your Majesty" he bowed and left the room before she could give him an answer.

Instead of going back to his house, Master Kelv turned right in the hall and headed towards the left wing of the castle.

"Master Kelv, greetings sir" a maid who was walking down the hall, stopped and bowed to the Master.

"Greetings, I am heading to the princess's room, do you happen to have the key?"

"Here it is, sir" she removed the keyhold from her uniform and handed it to the Master.

"Thank you"

After the princess's funeral, the maids that were in charge of her private chamber which is the entire left wing of the castle, were dispatched to another part of the castle.

In the order of King Luther, they didn't touch or change any of her belongings so her room was the way she left it. It was as though King Luther didn't want to believe his daughter is dead and was waiting for her to come back to her room.

The Master stopped in front of her chamber and stared at the huge double doors, his face was contorted in deep pain and with trembling hands, he opened the door.

Master Kelv has been in the princess's room only once when the Queen sent him here to call her to the royal chamber and it was exactly as he remembered it.

It had a light smell of sweat but the sweet strawberries masked it all up and it was clean, organized and in order just like the princess.

It is said that one's room display his or her personality and her room signified everything she loved and care for.

The walls which were coloured cream were filled with swords and different armour that she purchased or won from fighting contests. Her gym was situated at the other side of the enormous room and it was filled with her favorite working out equipments.

Her bedroom consist of a Queen sized bed filled with fluffy bed sheets and pillows, she has a vanity table which she turned into her desk to craft out strategies to conquer enemies' territories.

Her belongings were scattered all over the room, clothes, armours and boots and it was exactly the way she left it, her smell scent still lingered in the room.

He moved forward and sat on her bed, he used his fingers to brush her dress. Unable to control himself, he took her clothes and brought it to his nose while tears dropped from his eyes and wet her clothes.

He hugged the clothes tightly and imagined her in his arms.

The sorrowful cries of agony coming from the room echoed all over the left wing as Master Kelv cried out for his love, Tashina.