Five More Days Till The Escape

"What are you doing here, uncle?" Sera asked when she saw who it was behind the bars.

It was Monk Manuki, her uncle.

"Why? Shouldn't I visit my niece again?" Monk Manuki tilted his head as he asked.

"The same niece that you locked up yourself? What an act," Sera smiled without touching her eyes.

"You know why I had to do this, Sera," 

"No, I don't! I don't know, uncle. Neither do I know why you have to continue this evil charade!!" She snapped.

"This thing you call evil is what had made our family survive until today. It is what has fed you and ensured you live the life you always wanted,"

"This is not the life I asked for!! A life that destroys others just to live! That isn't a life, it's a curse!" Sera gritted.

"No matter what you think it is, it's still what our fathers have passed on to us, and we must continue the business so we can persevere our lineage," Monk Manuki said.