Dealing With The Wrath Of Husbands 2

"Okay, we are sorry, maybe we did go a little…" Tashina trailed off.

"Overboard last night but everyone does sometimes and as for Darkin kidnapping us, he must have been waiting all this while for an opportunity to strike and it just happened to be then, whether we had gone out with guards or not, if Darkin wanted to kidnap us, he still would have. We all know how he is," Tashina reasoned. Chivia and Lietta nodded their heads to back her up.

"Well, we are just glad that nothing serious happened and that we got there in time," Greze sighed.

"Yes, and you did put up a great fight there, good job," Ren smiled.

"Exactly, you males need to put some trust in us," Lietta scoffed.

"Trust or not, you three won't be going anywhere alone without at least five guards with you. That wasn't a request, it was an order," Xavier left no room for negotiations in his tone.

"Yes, Alpha," they all grumbled under their breaths.