Author's Philosophy

Inside a world full of sadness, pain and regret. There are passages, roads, mountains and channels through which organic beings can pass. Where they decide their goal, their end, their sentence and their sins. Those who manage to decide their goal and end are those who manage to get out of this gloomy environment where thousands of arms have been twisted, they are the ones who can take the reins of their lives by the horns and be leaders of great goals, achieve them and become more than what they have been. Some walk without having a goal and an end. Wandering these dreary places, indulging in alcohol and large amounts of drugs, being crushed by society and falling deeper into its laments, then being chained for their sins and punished by their corrupt and pampered minds, causing them to fall into madness. , despair and get to have mental disorders or simply end everything in bad ways to escape from their problems and be able to be free from these roads full of problems and damages that we all have to travel at some point.

Have you ever thought about your sins and the chains that imprison you without letting you advance? Or have you thought about how to advance at least? If you are not satisfied with what you have done, you must change your objective or your goal. But what will that goal be? and what will your end be?

If you are one of those people who decided on your goals and objectives, what were your sins? What do you think were their mistakes? What makes you different from others who walk to the end of their paths? What makes you different from those who are still in it? Why do you feel like this is the end? Are you satisfied with the result?

When you've answered those questions, I want you to write it on a horn or somewhere and then answer this:

Why do you think you are special? What makes you special? And why do you feel that you are unique among the people around you? What would be the name that you would give yourself if you were a being of light? And what would your name be as a being of darkness? What would you call your method of thinking and your personality?

