You have been lying!!!

Dard was crying in the pain and could not move from his place. Sophia looked at him wondering what was happening but there were no answers around. She looked around but found no one who could be responsible for this. As she looked at Dard again he was on fire. He was burning and nothing made sense. The fire was lit just on air like magic. 'Is there a witch around?' Sophia wondered. She looked again but found saw no one but there has to be one. How the hell is that happening by its own and who is doing it? 

As Dard was burning, so was the magic chain which was tied to Sophia's leg. Sophia was getting free. Sophia wanted to be free so eagerly but now she is not sure if she is happy or more scared from the turn of events. Sophia looked at the man on the fire and is few minutes he was turned into ashes as well as the magic chain around the Sophia's leg.