'Trust the timing.

Things happen for a reason.'

_ _ _


I texted Killian telling about the boys visiting. He was excited and decided to hurry home from wherever the hell he was.

We finally reached home and as soon as I unlocked the door, ran up the stairs and into my room. I was hyped at having my family here with me and was filled with loads of questions.

"How come you guys are here? How long are you staying? How's everything back home? Any ne-", I babbled my excitement breaking my control. But I stopped speaking when I saw a weird look in their eyes. Jared was the first to speak.

"We came to visit you, Kat. We missed you a lot", He said smiling.

"And we're staying here!", Seth shouted from where he was sitting on her bed. Suddenly, a loud Thwack! was heard and Seth groaned.

"Way to ruin the surprise ya idiot!", Everyone admonished him.

But, all at once, they became silent and sadness was seen in their eyes.

"What is it?", I asked.

"It's about home. About the gang. It's just not right without you.", Sky said tightening his arm around Amberley.

"We're thinking of shifting them here, closer to you. There are problems back home and it would be easier to handle if our leader was closer. We need you Kat.", Tyler stated.

Uhhh... side note - did I tell you I was a gang leader? No? Well, now you know. Surprise! And back we go...

I watched as they all turned to me, waiting for my decision. I knew they would follow whatever I decided, I was their leader after all. But, more than a leader, I was a sister to them. I knew that they never made hasty decisions and think thoroughly before proposing any matter to me. So there was only one answer.

"Of course! That's great news. I would love to resume my position of the rest of the gang thinks I am ready. ", Told them and watched as their eyes lit up with relief and happiness.

They all hugged me and I was content in the arms of my family. It was decided that Amberly and Liana would return home and stay there as their parents couldn't let them move, but would help in the moving while the rest of us handled things here.

The next few weeks were hectic as I had to handle school and the work of my gang simultaneously. I was so busy that I didn't have time to talk to Caden at all. I told dad about the developments and he agreed to help out in getting the basement quarters ready for the gang's arrival. I told him that until the basement would be cleared and readied, the boys would be staying with me and he didn't object because he knew that we were family.

My second and third in command, Jake and Garrett arrived a day before the arrival of the rest of the gang and filled me in about all that had happened after I had left. They told me that the Meridian Waters were trying to take over and therefore I had been contacted. But, I was shocked when I was informed about the next threat on the turf. Coincidentally, there was another gang in the town I was currently residing in. It was called Evloen and was the world's 4th most feared gang which came after Meridian Waters. The news that shocked me was that the leader of this gang was none other than my sexy and utterly irresistible neighbor, Caden Pierce.

I guess I wasn't the only one keeping secrets. Two gangs on one turf could end up in a bloody situation.

I'll take care of this later. I thought as I rubbed my fingers in my temples. I had to finish up so that I could get my gang members briefed tonight. I got back to work and didn't notice the hours flying by.

A loud knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.

"Come in.", I said.

Sky walked in.

"Kat, they're here."

"I'm coming. Get them into the garage, next to the Bentley."

I tied my hair up into a ponytail and secured it tightly with a rubber band. This is gonna be a long night. I walked into the garage and was greeted by all my gang members. I was surprised when I saw Killian present and engrossed conversing with some of the new members.

"Hey, boss?", Terry called out.


"When are you gonna show us the quarters? We're plenty tired if you must know.", He said bluntly.

"Right. Stand your ground. We'll be going straight down.", I said and pressed the red switch near the Bentley with my thumb.

It glowed yellow for a second and then the garage's floor shook slightly. Then the floor detached itself from the main building and started moving downwards. All the gang members watched in amazement as the floor came in contact with another floor and showed them the vast space strategically built under the ground. I toured them around showing them the gym and training rooms, kitchen, showers, and sleeping quarters.

The overall tour of the large basement took a few hours and by the time I finished, the sun was setting on the horizon.

"Jake!", I called out on the earpiece.

"Yes, boss?", He asked me.

"I assume someone will cook for you people here. I'll be going up with the guys .", I informed him, "I'll send some files later for briefing. Jared will fill you in."

"Sure thing, boss."

I pressed the switch on the earpiece, turning it off.

"C'mon guys let's go. I'm sure you're starving.", I said and moved to the elevator.

I pressed the button to the top floor which was the ground floor of the house. We reached up in a few seconds and as we got out I saw the amazement in their eyes.

"That is one good place to keep an elevator and that too so camouflaged. You're a genius, Kat.", Jared said gesturing to the elevator door under the stairs which were discreetly camouflaged by light wooden paneling.

I freshened up and prepared some grilled chicken, stir-fried veggies, and steamed cilantro rice which took around an hour.

"Dinner's ready, people!", I shouted to where all of them were lounging and watching T.V.

They all rushed in like a pack of hounds and started gobbling up the food like they had been starved for a week.

"Kat, you're a chef! This is really good.", Seth said as he stuffed his face with chicken.

I finished early and headed up as the guys decided to play on the Xbox. I entered my room and was ambushed and thrown on the bed. Before I could speak, I felt soft lips on mine which started kissing me roughly. I was surrounded by an earthy, cool scent. As my body melted into the kiss and electric tingles traveled down to my toes, I recognized the man on me. Against my brain's judgment to continue, I pushed him off and panted, gasping to get some oxygen into my lungs.

"Caden! What are you doing here?", I exclaimed.

He pushed me back and pinned my wrists to the bed, hovering over me with enraged eyes.

"Tell me, Kara. Who are those guys? What secrets are you keeping from me?", He asked. I kept my mouth closed and he groaned with frustration.

"Tell me, dammit! I have been stewing for weeks!", He shouted.

As I opened my mouth to speak, the door to my room was opened and Sky strode in.

"Kat? Can you get down there? Tyler and Seth are at it ag-", he said and stopped mid-sentence as he noticed the situation I was in. He immediately got into defense mode and pushed Caden off of me and got ready to beat him up.

"Stop!", I ordered and Sky immediately lowered his fist.

"But Ka-", he started.

I cut him off. "Sky, you know I could do it if I'd wanted to. I wanna talk to him so leave us alone now. Don't tell the others.", I said and ushered him out of the room.

I closed and locked the door behind me and turned to Caden who had gotten up off the floor and had seated himself on my bed.

"Why didn't you tell me you were the leader of Evloen?", I asked him and saw his body stiffen. His eyes narrowed and his hands slightly fisted on his side.

"How do you know that?", He asked with his voice full of suspicion.

"Because... Caden Pierce, leader of Evloen, I am Kat Brooke, leader of Snow's Hold, the second most feared gang in the world.", I replied with a smirk on my face.