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I was in the kitchen making dinner while the boys trained in the basement. My phone started ringing in my back pocket. I took it out and held it to my ear.

"Hello? "

"Hey Kara. ", Caden's voice caressed my name.

"Hey. What's up?", I asked, a little flushed, hearing his seductive voice.

"My gang is here. I'm bringing them over. ", he said.

"Okay. Where are you? I'll open the garage door and get you settled."

"We're near the house. ", he said referring to one of the houses we owned in the same neighborhood that connected to the underground basement.

"Wait right there. I'll open the garage. ", I said and headed to the elevator hidden in the kitchen pantry.

I quickly got to the basement and walked through the corridors. Making rights and lefts while nodding to the various hi's and hellos. When I was almost there, I saw Jake.

"Jake!", I called.

"Yeah, boss? ", he answered when he saw me.

"Evloen is here. Gather the gang. ", I said and got into the elevated when he saluted in acknowledgment.

I reached the garage and pressed the green button to open the garage door. The doors slowly opened to reveal four jeeps, two Volvo's, a dozen or so bikes. Caden was sitting in the first jeep and got down when he saw me.

I gestured him to send the jeeps and Volvo's first one by one. My calculations turned out to be correct and as I had estimated the garage was able to hold three jeeps. I pressed the red button near the switchboard and got to the side door, pulling Caden with me. I watched as the floor slowly detached and started moving downwards. A few minutes later it came back up. Then I sent the remaining jeep and the two Volvo's down. Finally, the bikes and bikers were sent down. Now only Caden and I were remaining.

"Let's go. ", I said and tugged at his arm. He pulled me back and pressed me against the door.

"First", he said kissing my neck, going down, "tell me... *kiss*...if you... *kiss*...missed me... "

He then raised his head and looked right into my eyes.

"Oh please, Caden. We met last night", I said, recalling his frequent visits that had started since the meeting. It included makeout sessions on one day and cuddling together on others. During the night, I would cherish him and during the day I would miss him. Slowly I realized that I was falling for Caden Pierce - hard.

"Now let's go.", I said and got into the open elevator. He followed me in and the door closed with 'ping'.

No longer had the door closed I felt the electricity between us. The air warmed up and my heartbeat quickened. Caden moved swiftly and crashed his lips onto mine, locking my arms over my head and pressing our bodies together. His tongue tapped my teeth asking for entrance and I obliged. Our tongues danced together and I let out a low moan. Caden let go of arms and wrapped his arms around my waist crushing my body to his as he continued to kiss me. Our bodies molded so close together that I doubted if we could fit a blade between us. My hands now free, I locked one arm around his neck, pulling him close, and buried my other hand in his luscious hair, tugging at the silky strands. This moment was utter bliss. I forgot about the world and the confined space we were in felt like an open meadow.

Unfortunately, it didn't last long. We were forces to come apart as the elevator pinged again, signaling the door opening. On the other side, Jared and Tyler were waiting for us and they gave me a knowing look as I exited the elevator. We quickly walked to the hall and as we entered all the talks and whispers ceased. I was sure they saw my swollen lips and Caden's tousled hair but they didn't comment. They didn't dare.

"Snow's Hold and Evloen are one from today. We will train, fight, and live together to fulfill the same mission, the same cause. Against the mafia and on the side of justice we will make sure the corruption is suppressed. We will be one until we fulfill this purpose. From today we will be known as Blood Rose. Hidden in plain sight, we will attack and we will win! ", I said raising my fist as I finished the speech. The room resonated with applause and cheers.


I was tired due to all the training. Evloen was sorted into three groups - new recruits, trainees, and finally the group of best fighters. They would all train separately and fulfill a set of different missions. I bathed, changed, and almost slid my feet under the covers when something or someone tackled me. I was pinned to the bed, my hands and feet weighed down by rock hard limbs of the sapphire eyed devil.

"Caden!" I whispered as he looked at me with his burning gaze.

"Does the formation of Blood Rose mean that we can finally be together? ", he asked after he gave me a thorough kiss.

"I think they already know. ", I replied.

"I mean...can I start with the PDA? ", he asked with some kind of mysterious look in his eyes.

"PDA? "

"Yes, Kara. I want to stop that leech Madison from latching onto me all the time and I don't know how long I can tolerate those jocks ogling you at school. You. Are. Mine. "

Was he jealous?

"Yes, Kara... ", I heard him say," I. Am. Fucking. Jealous."

Oh God! Did I say that out loud?

Then as I looked into his eyes, I felt a strange emotion get ahold of me. I craned my neck and got as close to his ear as I could.

"Then don't hold back. ", I whispered.

His eyes widened as he heard what I said.

"Kara... "

"It's okay, Caden. Do it. ", I said.

"Are you sure? "


Not one second to spare, Caden kissed me. It wasn't the usual. This one was... What do I say?... Fiery? Nah... Passionate? No... Ah, I got it! This kiss can only be described by one word... Possession.

You can interpret it as Caden was possessed or that he was kissing me as an act of claiming his possession but as I felt his emotions burst free, I knew Caden was both the one who was claiming possession as well the person possessed. By whom? By me? Himself? Those are questions only he could answer but one thing I could tell was at this moment, I loved him. I loved Caden with all my heart and soul. I loved every arrogant, kind, thoughtful, badass, 6 feet 2 inches of his being.

And this kiss? Call it a woman's intuition but for some goddamn reason, I felt Caden loved me back.