Coincidences that becomes fate

"Are you a descendant of a mermaid?"

I broke away from his gaze and let out a scream, "What do you mean by that?" I faked a laugh. "No, I am not, sir."

"Not maintaining eye contact, looking at the left side. You are lying. There's no point in doing that," he insisted. "Both you and I know we are not normal people," he raised his eyebrow. "And particularly yours is much easier to confirm."

Tsk. I can not even lie my way out in this situation. I just kept silent and thought of other ways to deceive him. Violet eyes? Great intuition.


Sea witches, to be exact.

"Are you still hesitant to tell the truth?" He then guided me to look at the glass of water on the vanity table. "I can just pour that water on your legs and see the transformation."

There is no way out.

"I am a reincarnated," I closed my eyes and clasped my palm together, "mermaid. Please spare me! I don't want to be taken and placed into an aquarium."

"You are not a descendant of a mermaid?" He said, "but a reincarnated one?"

"Yes, umm." I tried to find the right words, it felt weird to be discussing this with your boss or something, but I don't know. Let's go with the flow, I guess? "Umm, my mom was also a reincarnated mermaid,"

"Do you have a curse, too?" CEO Seo asked, giving his full attention to me. "If you want me to confirm it to you, then yes, I am a sea witch, a descendant, to be exact."

Descendants have 100 percent likeness to their predecessors, unlike reincarnated ones like me, only retain 20-30% similarities to what we were before. Unlike hassle things like having mermaid tails, sea witches are cunning, intelligent, yet sly at the same time. If you have asked a favour to a sea witch, you are obliged to give something equivalent to its worth.

If you ever see cunning men or women with purple eyes, be careful with them.

I bet, like me, there was something that he has to do to become fully human. I wonder what it is.

Just before I could even answer the CEO's question, the door burst open. There I saw a tall and well-proportioned man who looked younger than me, walking inside the room observing both me and the CEO. He was wearing black slacks and a long-sleeved blue polo shirt, with a plain white t-shirt underneath. I don't even know the guy, so I don't know what's up with his reaction. Maybe he's the CEO's guy? Both are gays or bisexual or something?

The CEO whispered at me, "Excuse me, I purely like women, okay?"

"Aha, sorry." I grinned and whispered back at him. "Sorry. I am certainly not a judging person, okay? I respect each other's preferences."

"I heard a scream earlier," he walked towards us and looked at CEO Seo, "Did something happen?"

"Ah, no." I chimed in. "I am okay," I paused and turned to look at the guy, and scanned his face. He parted his black hair 3:5, a black piercing on the left side of his ear. His eyes are monolid, a tall nose and thin lips, his jawline is sharp, and his overall chiselled face. He has a manly and handsome face.

I gawked at him like he's some handsome idol, artist, or celebrity. Honestly, CEO Seo has excellent facial features, but I think this man is more like my type. I felt like I was falling in love at first sight. What? Am I this type of a girl who falls in love at first sight?!

"I know that I am handsome," The man with a piercing on his left ear said, "but I think we have to resolve this issue first, am I correct?"

I snapped myself back in reality, "Don't misunderstand! CEO Seo helped me earlier when I fell unconscious and took good care of me."

"Then, why did you scream?" he asked again.

"Why do you care?" CEO Seo chimed in. "A man and a woman, alone in the room? We could be in a relationship. Then the woman screamed," he smirked, "what do you think happened?"

My eyes widened in disbelief. The CEO seemed to be a gentle sea witch, but I can't believe he just said that when we just literally met today. I know that we have something in common, but why do CEO Seo's statements seem like they have a double meaning?

"You said, 'we could be in a relationship', right?" The other guy asked and turned to look at me. He softened his gaze as if he was worried when it's not my first time seeing this guy with a black piercing. "So, you guys are not in a relationship, and there's a possibility that you are doing something wrong, right?"

He had a point. This handsome guy has his wits up in his game. But I think this is not the right time to be admiring someone. I have to clear this misunderstanding!!

"Umm," I mumbled as if I was late to join the conversation. "I am fine, nothing, and no one crossed the line. I am fine physically, mentally, emotionally, or sexually. The CEO is just a pure soul who helped me, and I am an ingrate because I couldn't believe I accidentally threw wine to my boss."

CEO Seo laughed, "Yes, that was it." Then his tone became serious again, "Now, let's change the spotlight. Can you tell us who you are? What are you doing here in my hotel room? I am quite sure that you don't know any of us present here, right? And what are you trying to say?"

The guy with the black piercing just shrugged, "Well, let's just say.." He trailed off, "I am a handsome and caring passerby."

"Be honest," CEO Seo warned, "Or else, I'm reporting you to the police for breaking in."

The unknown guy just showed a calm smile, "I am Kim Seungwoo," he offered his right hand to CEO Seo, and they shook hands. "Nice to meet you,"

"You caught my attention earlier when I was at the masquerade party," he extended his right hand again and offered me a handshake.

"Why me?" I asked nervously, then shook his hands. "I am not quite sure of what to think in this situation."

"You just stood out," The guy with the black piercing said and smiled at me. I felt like I was melting because he looks so pure, and he even has a small dimple on his cheeks. How adorable. "Among the crowd filled with masks."