Ramen noodles

The natural form of the sea witch showed.

"Why won't you ask me," CEO Seo asked. "If I have the same mark as yours?"

I looked around the room and found a shelving for books and reference materials, a small table for their printer, a desk with a large surface area with drawers for file, and supply storage. A simple, minimalistic design, the zone can be for the CEO's desk. Another part of the room meant for meetings. There were a sofa and a small table, chairs for sitting and chat with others.

"Yes?" I managed to let out a squeal out of anxiousness. "What do you mean by that sir?"

He strolled towards me while loosening his necktie and unbuttoning his polo shirt. He was still wearing his usual black vest and black suit. He leaned in and grabbed the collar of his shirt, and exposed his neck and collarbone. I was able to smell his scent, which reminded me of the sea. It was like a combination of an island and the sea.

But then, I could not believe what I saw. A birthmark appeared as though a mermaid's tail is seen on his neck.

"I am your fated one. Do you believe me now?" He asked and smiled gently, and he took one step backward. "Sorry, I did not mean to invade your personal space."

"But," I talked back. "Didn't you say that you were a descendant of a sea witch? Is it also possible that you are also the reincarnated prince?"

"I don't know," he said. "But I guess only God knows the reason for this," He pointed at his birthmark, "I guess this is the living proof that we are fated?"

"Why do you appear in front of me and claim that you are?" I asked.

"Because we are fated," he insisted. "I am the one whom you are looking for."

I stared at his birthmark, sparkling in a shade of purple and violet. I am not entirely sure if he is the prince I have been looking for.

I remembered asking my mom, "You said that there are possibilities that people who have the same pattern of birthmarks are meant to meet either they were related from my past life or not, but not necessarily fated, what should I do then?"

"Well," she paused. "You always have to rely on your guts. I'm sure fate will always bring fated people together and make everything happen."

But is it possible for a descendant of the sea witch to be reincarnated as the prince as well?

No, right?

But I mean, everything is possible, I guess?

What should I do? Should I go with the flow? Nah, I should try to find other possibilities that someone else might be the reincarnated prince. Let's not trust people easily, Suji.

Okay, there's no harm in trying, though.

"Umm," I hesitated. "Do you remember your past life too? The same as I remember mine?"

"Yes," he nodded. "I remember wearing the crown prince's robe. YOu are the mermaid who saved me from drowning when I was a 14-year-old kid in the Joseon era."

I vaguely remember the crown prince's face, but I remember the robe. The king used to wear a red robe representing the king's power, the mighty dragon that will lead the nation. I buried the memory deep inside my subconsciousness. I remember the emotions I felt back then.

I felt a combination of exhilaration, euphoria, trembling, a racing heart, and accelerated breathing, as well as anxiety, panic, and feelings of despair.


The feeling that I have always wanted to do in this lifetime.

And it was the word that would best describe the situation.

I guess I'll fall in love with the CEO as time goes by, like what I have had in my past life.

"What do you think?" He asked, "Are you ready to accept me?"


"Thank you for taking dropping me here," I said as he got out of the car and opened the door for me. He was driving a Lexus LS460, a luxury sedan. He is a CEO, indeed. I got out of the car and bowed down slightly.

"It would be great if I could have driven you to your home," he grinned while saying that. If he wasn't a descendant of the witch, I promise you he looks like an angel instead.

"It's okay," I smiled back, "I wanted to buy something in the convenience store before I go back home."

"I see," he then got his car keys. "Then, I'll be off then."

"Yes!" I nodded again, "Thank you very much!"

I watched the car disappear in my sight before I went outside the convenience store. I am so stressed with the events at work that I need to replenish and have a ramen cup.

While I was waiting for the noodles to get cooked, we always know that 3-4 minutes is the golden time for them to get cooked. A chewy and well-cooked ramen noodle is the best when eaten on an autumn night. I was sitting outside the venue and took a seat.

The table and chairs outside were made out of plastic, but it was a simple place for me to have my ramen. A familiar guy wearing a hoodie t-shirt sat across where I am. He took off his hood, and there I realized it was Seungwoo. He was treating himself a cup of ramen too, just like me,

"Is that going to be your dinner?" he asked while pushing his 50 cent kimchi to me. "Isn't it bad to eat ramen on an empty stomach? You should pair your ramen with kimchi,"

"No, I had dinner earlier," I replied while separating the wooden chopsticks to prepare and slurp my noodles. "I was just craving something spicy,"

"Ah, did you have dinner with the CEO earlier?" he asked, and I almost choked on my noodles. He gave me a pair of napkins on his side and laughed.

"H-how," I managed to say in between coughing. Seungwoo opened his bottle of water and gave it to me. "How did you know?"

"I saw you guys earlier," he said as he separated his pair of wooden chopsticks and took a slurp in his noodles. "You seemed to be close,"

I laughed awkwardly, "No. And I don't get full just by eating salads," Must. Change. The. TOPIC! "Is this going to be your dinner?"

"Nope, just a snack like yours," he replied as he took a piece of kimchi and paired it with his noodles. "You know it's already 11 PM,"

Quietness filled the atmosphere. I just gobbled my noodles to fill in the silence, and I can only hear the car engines' sound and chewing of noodles. I need to say or ask something to continue the conversation.

I am a neutrally social person, aren't I?

"Do you live in this neighborhood?" I asked curiously. "You suddenly appeared without any prior notice,"

"Yes, I live in this neighborhood. I guess you do, too?" Seungwoo asked back.

A CEO of the parent company that I am working at is living near my neighborhood? I thought CEOs would live in big houses and apartments in the Gangnam district. Is this a part of his concept too? To hide his identity from his subsidiary company and probably fire people if he thinks they don't make profits for the company?

But how did CEO Seo not know anything about Seungwoo? It's almost impossible that CEO Seo doesn't know that Seungwoo is the CEO of the parent company he belonged to? Maybe Mr. Kim is a newly appointed CEO to go undercover and find corruption with Seo Publishing Inc.,? My brain is in knots after trying to make sense out of anything. I am tired, I wanted to ask him about his business card, but I am not sure if he does know about me having to receive one of them since his friend gave it.

"You must like ramen paired with kimchi, how about pickled cucumbers?"

"Not, really," he replied and gave me a look. "I prefer kimchi to pickled cucumbers,"

"I like pickled cucumbers though," I answered disapprovingly. "Do you live alone?"

"You have a lot of questions. Are you interested in me?" The corners of his lips went up as if he was teasing me. "Would you like to visit?"

"No!" I shook my head as a response and blushed, "How can you--? I was just asking because I am curious! You are fond of taking a step out of the normal boundary, Mr. Kim."

"You are scary when you talk formally," he laughed. "I was just kidding," there was a moment of silence after that, and he became sober. "I would like to offer my apology if I was my words were too harsh, though"

"You better be," I shoot him a glare and inhaled the ramen soup.