Indirect Kiss

I spent the whole morning in the office in a bad mood. I could not have anything for breakfast so that choco pie was my only lifeline. But then, Manager Jeong ate that choco pie without even considering its owner. My stomach growled as I tried to stop my hunger by drinking lots of water.

I really should have just said something. I sighed breathily. I massaged my tummy as I felt the dragons inside it trying to break free.

"What should we order for lunch?" Rina-sunbae asked, "How about some jjajangmyeon?"

"And tangsuyuk!" Mr. Lim joined. "Tangsuyuk and jjajangmyeon is always a pair."

As everyone went to say what they wanted to order, I thought I might have to volunteer, call the Chinese restaurant and place an order.

"Okay, no one wants to change their orders now?" I asked everyone. "I'll go to the pantry and place an order now,"

"Okay!" Miss Rina grinned at me as she stood up and patted my head. "I was supposed to be the one who's going to make the order though,"

"It's okay," I beamed. "I wanted to drink some water too, so I have to have a reason to escape here."

"Okay, Ssuji-ssuji!" She said endearingly, "Did you memorize our orders well?"

"Yes, yes," I answered.


"Four jjajangmyeon and two orders of tangsuyuk," I said over the phone call. "That comes with a pitcher of iced tea, right? Thank you!"

"It'll take thirty minutes to one hour waiting time?" I asked disappointedly, "Okay, I hope it gets delivered fast. Thank you, sir."

After I finished the phone call, I went over to the water dispenser, and I noticed that the mugs and cups that were there were of the employees who bought themselves one. I haven't brought one from our house since I kept forgetting it.

"You can use mine," I turned around and the emphasized version of his comma hairstyle, a portion of the hair curled inwards. His sharp facial features were more evident. He was only wearing his white long-sleeve tucked into his black slacks. He was carrying his suit on his right arm while he handed over his blue mug using his left arm. "I know I have handsome but stop staring at me like that."

"Is this clean?"

"I store this mug on my desk, so this is clean," he answered.

"Thanks," I replied as I got the mug and dispensed both hot and cold water.

"I guess you like the neutral type of temperature?" he asked and gave me a sheepish grin.

"Yes," I said as I drank the water in the mug hurriedly.

"Why does it seem like you were deprived of water for several days?" he joked. "Grandma, it's important to drink a lot of water, okay? Don't dehydrate yourself,"

"Mr. Kim, please stop joking around, mkay?" I sneered at him, "We are not close."

"What do you mean by that?" he crossed both of his arms and questioned me. "But we are friends, right?"

"I didn't know you thought of me fondly," I retaliated.

He was utterly shocked by my response, "Oh? You don't? That comment just made me sad,"

"Really, you just make fun of me all the time," I said as I crossed my arms. "Can you tell me what were the times that you thought of me fondly?"

"Well, first," he paused and raised his index finger. "During the masquerade party, I illegally entered CEO Seo's hotel room because I thought something happened to you,"

I just rolled my eyes, "Weren't you just a passerby that time?"

"Second," he raised his middle finger, now Seungwoo raised both of index and middle finger to emphasize his points. "I purposely ate ramen together with you since you seemed to be very lonely eating alone."

"Ah, yes, yes," I said. "I was very honored and happy to be able to eat with you, your majesty."

"Third and the last," he raised his ring finger altogether with his index and middle finger. "I gave you a choco pie to commemorate our friendship."

My face turned sour, flashbacks happened. I remember Manager Jeong inhaling the choco pie like he was a pig that was starved for several days. I have always liked choco pie ever since it was introduced to me as a kid. My all-time favorite snack, and I'm sure every kid can relate to me as well.

"Your face doesn't look really great," Seungwoo stared at me. "Oh well, I am thirsty, let me have some of your water."

He took the mug from me and drank the remaining water. I looked at him like he was some weird kid. I mean, he might think of me as an acquaintance, a colleague, or even as a friend, but I am not quite sure if we are close enough to share the same mug without even cleaning it or rinsing it off with water or something.

He then turned his gaze towards me, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Well," I replied and laughed shyly. "Nothing,"

"Isn't it like an indirect kiss?" he joked, and his words made me blush. I punched his arm lightly. "Oh? Are you liking my joke, Editor Li?"

"No, Designer Kim," I denied vehemently and spoke formally again. "Please stop joking around, sir."

"Ouch," He winced and tapped his arm from me, "You are such a violent woman, Miss Li."

"You really are a crybaby," I hit his arm again, smiling. "Mister Kim,"

He pointed his finger at me and grinned, "Oh, smiling while hitting me? Are you a sadist, Miss Li?"

"Stop it!" I yelled, and he laughed loudly in response.

"Are you sure?" he asked. "It seemed to me that you are liking it,"

"You really want to get beaten up, huh?" I said as I rolled my sleeve upwards, "Prepare for death!"


A moment of silence for the death of Kim Seungwoo.

I was kidding, though, hahaha. Both of us got out of the pantry as I saw CEO Seo Jinwoo in the hallway. Now, it will look weird since both of us got out of the pantry just in time. I acknowledged CEO Seo and his secretary by nodding and hurriedly walked towards the elevator. He must have been on his way to eat lunch. Just on time, the delivery man called, and I answered the call. He was already on the ground floor inside the building. I looked at Seungwoo and mouthed that our orders were already there. I got inside the elevator as well as CEO Seo and his secretary.

"Bye," Seungwoo waved his hand before the elevator closed.

"Mkay, bye." I waved my hand, and just on time, the elevator closed.

I turned to CEO Seo and broke the ice, "You must be on your way to eat lunch, sir?"

"Yes," he nodded. "Would you want to come together?"

"No," I answered abruptly. "We have ordered jjajangmyeon and tangsuyuk for lunch,"

"I really like tangsuyuk though," He grinned, "Maybe next time,"

The elevator stopped at the ground floor, and I got out. I bid goodbye to CEO Seo and his secretary while they closed the elevator to head over to the basement. He must be on his way to a lunch meeting.