
I should seriously find someone else who has that same mermaid's tail birthmark as I am. I should exert my efforts to prioritize work and find the reincarnated crown prince. As much as I am getting busier with work, I would like to secure myself and my future. I couldn't imagine letting myself disappear again without falling in love. It would be a nightmare to do it again.

Tuesday is a day for the continuous working hell for me.

"You should take a break sometimes, Miss Li." Mr. Lim said, caring for me as I haven't been standing up ever since I timed in at 8 AM. It's almost 11:30 AM.

"I should take off at 11:30 sharp, and I still have to do this."

Rina-sunbae said, "Take it easy, dear. I hope I can help you just for a bit."

I smiled at her, "Thank you so much! Thoughts are appreciated!"

"What would you want for lunch, Miss Ssuji?" Mr. Lim stood up and asked me, "Rina-sunbae and I are going to have kimbap and tteokbokki for lunch."

"Really? Then I want tuna kimbap," I said to Rina-sunbae. "Two servings, please."

"Okie Dokie yo," Rina-sunbae replied. "Did you meet with Seungwoo, though? He asked for you yesterday,"

"Yes, we still haven't planned it out, though," I said as I glanced over Team Leader Bae, who was also looking at me seriously. "I mentioned that I still have to finish editing the book,"

"Okay," Rina-sunbae enthusiastically formed both of her hands into a fist, "Fighting!!"

The room was silent. Most people went outside to eat their lunch already. I noticed Team Leader Bae approaching my desk. She was already wearing her office outfit, her fingernails are painted red with star nail art, and she was her usual sassy self. She stood over me and looked at the monitor.

"Aren't you pushing yourself too much, Miss Li?" She asked.

"Yes, I am." I replied, "I have always wanted to do well while on probation, and this is a great opportunity for me to take as well."

"Oh yeah? I hope your quality of work will be the same as your confidence, though,"

"I hope so too. Thank you for worrying about me."

"I am not worried for you,"

"If you say so," I stared at her and smiled.

She stormed out of the room, clearly annoyed by me. I don't know why she wants to take this work from me when she made me do this editing work because it's a hassle for her. But now, she wants to include her name in the photo/quote exhibit project because it has great exposure, and it would be great to add to her resume?

Hell, no. I won't hand over my hard work to you, even if you are the Team Leader.

I noticed my smartphone ringing. It was Kim Mira calling me.

"Hello," I said over the phone. "Mira-ya!"

"Eonni, are you busy?"

"Kind of,"

"What? It's lunchtime! You should eat lunch, eonni!"

"I have a deadline to meet, haha. Don't worry. I'll be having lunch later. I asked Rina-sunbae to buy me some kimbap. What made you call, though? Did something happen? Did that Bang Yejin bully you again?"

"No-no, eonni. It was just that I wanted to treat you for lunch because I wanted to give you a small token of appreciation."


"Yes, and I wanted to ask you something too."

"Okay, where are you?"

"I'm outside the building of your company that you mentioned last time,"

"Okay, meet me on the 5th floor, in the lobby, okay?"

"Okay! Bye, see you!"

"Bye, I'm hanging up."

I stretched my shoulders and neck and stood up. I arranged my things and went over to the lobby. The lobby has a small table and sofas to sit on. It's like a mini visitor receiving area for the employees. I plopped onto the sofa comfortably and spread my legs like a boss. I'm wearing my slacks today, so it's okay. I looked at the ceiling. It was like a beautiful time for me to sleep. The ceiling looks gorgeously white. I am mesmerized by it. The lights were shining so brightly. It almost dazzled me. Until I realized I was sucked into something.

A scene suddenly came right through my eyes, as if it was directly right in front of me. This time, I was aware that I was not experiencing it firsthand though it still happened from my perspective. I was there, tending someone, probably a man. I was unbuttoning two buttons in his shirt because he was sweating too much. I held a wet towel in my hand and started to wipe his neck using it.

"It tickles. Why are you wiping my body so lightly?" The man asked; it seemed like a very familiar voice, but I couldn't pinpoint who. I wasn't looking at the man since I was so preoccupied with looking at his perfectly sculpted body. "You shouldn't be doing that, no-no, you should do it the hard way."

"H-huh??" The hard way?

"Yes, should I do it instead?" He sat up, unbuttoned his shirt, took my hand, and guided me to wipe his neck down to his chest, abdomen, navel until his pelvis, "You should do it like this, okay?"

As I was trying to hide the embarrassment of touching his body---I was touching the man's body with a towel, something caught my attention. Lower than his navel but the upper right side of his pelvis, I saw a mermaid's tail's fin. I scooted over, held the garter of his pants, and pulled it downwards.

Voila. It was the mermaid's tail. Perfectly the same as mine. He's the one that I am looking for. I don't doubt it. I am one hundred percent sure! He's the reincarnated prince that I am looking for, for so long.

The man grabbed my hand and made me look at his face. Sadly, I couldn't see who he was. "What are you doing to a sick man's house, not to mention pulling his pants? Do you want to get yourself in trouble?"

I was so busy looking for the mermaid's tail when I just realized I pulled his pants down to his knees. Good thing he was wearing boxers. I sighed in relief.

"Aren't you staring too much?"

"Uh, no, sorry." I laughed nervously, "I was just fascinated by your tattoo?"

"No, that's not a tattoo," he replied as he pulled his pants back to their place. "It's my birthmark. And, don't change the topic. Are you just going to pull my pants and not get into trouble?"

"Umm, no. O-of course not, I don't want to get into trouble."

"Then why did you do it?"

"I told you I was fascinated by your birthmark."

Unsatisfied with my answer, he stood up and threw me to the bed. He positioned himself right on top of me and leaned in closer to my face. "Are you sure you do not want this?"

"Eonni!" I heard a voice calling me, "Suji-eonni!"

It was Mira's voice. Then, I realized, I was sucked back into reality.

"Suji-eonni," I was now staring at Mira's face rather than the ceiling. She was holding a black plastic bag. "I brought you some tteokbokki."