Curiosity Killed the Mermaid (1)

Work. Let's focus on work.

Let's try to forget whatever happened yesterday and focus on work. You are a professional, Li Suji! I know you can do it! You have the best definition of professionalism and work ethics. Try to hold your head up high and enter the design team's room.

These were the lines that I have repeated several times already.

Inhale. Exhale.

Be confident. You did nothing wrong, Li Suji!

I paced myself and walked to the design team's room. I raised my left hand in greeting the design team members and went over to Seungwoo's desk, preparing for war. As if on a cure, I ran my fingers through my hair and said, "Are you ready for the second day of preparations for the project exhibit?"

Seungwoo's gaze on the computer lifted as he turned to look at me. I noticed that he styled his hair neatly into a comma. Seungwoo's gaze seemed unconsciously lethal, and yet he has drawn me towards him.