
"Please," I closed my eyes and prayed. "Please, someone save me!"

It's too late! I already turned into a mermaid. My feet have already turned into a mermaid's tail. My memories came back and whether it was a memory of my past life or in my present life. I was still ridiculed by people and consider as someone who doesn't belong in this world. It painfully saddens me as I would not want to experience it the second time in this life.

I stared at the surface of the pool and heard a splashing sound. Someone was swimming his way to save me. I waited until I was able to see its face. It was CEO Seo, he grabbed my hand and tried to swim back to the surface.

"They'll know my identity," I told CEO Seo. "I don't want to reveal myself here."

"I know," CEO Seo responded. "You called me to save you, Li Suji, didn't you?"

" But," I protested.

CEO Seo shook his head, "Just trust me on this, okay?"